USPTA Southern California District 3 Professional of the Year - 2014 Jeff started playing tennis at the age of 10 and instantly loved the game so much that he decided to devote all his time and energy into developing into a competitive tennis player. Because of this unswerving dedication, he became a highly ranked player in Southern California and in the nation. He played on his high school team and received a scholarship to play tennis in college. Jeff graduated from California State University-Dominguez Hills where he received a degree in Recreation Administration. While he was happy to keep on playing, he found that he got more satisfaction out of passing along his knowledge and love of the sport to others. This decision to teach was also due in part to the influences of various coaches he’s had during his career. He has been coaching tennis for 12 years and enjoys working with all ages and levels of ability. He feels fortunate enough to be able to work with a vast number of people – from a young child to someone who is looking to compete, to someone who is just looking for a good work out, or to someone who is retired who wants to stay healthy and have an active lifestyle. All these factors have contributed to his success as a player and a coach so much that he’s been able to have a thriving business with a host of satisfied clients, many of whom have been with him for years. When Jeff is off the court, he enjoys watching basketball and football, especially the Lakers, Clippers, and the USC Trojans. He is also an avid flyer of remote controlled airplanes. He also loves trying new restaurants and traveling.
I find it most important to impact people's lives through the sport of tennis. The sport of tennis has the ability to teach people fundamental skills for everybody that is beneficial throughout one's life, in and out of the court. Another thing that I enjoy about the work I do is being able to impact a wide variety of people from a 4 year old just learning the game to the competitive junior player to the recreational adult player and the senior citizen looking to be more active. I am very blessed to be able to share my skills.