Phi Phi Muay Thai LLC

Phi Phi Muay Thai LLC



We believe that muay thai is more than just a competition, it’s a way of life that broadens your vision, amplifies your senses and enhances your mind-body coordination.

Muay Thai teaches its practitioners the means to be more aware of their surroundings, which is done by facing an opponent with an arsenal of 8 weapons: Two fists, two elbows, two legs and two knees. After a couple of rounds with our instructor you will diffidently start to be more caucious in the way you move your body in order to reach the highest level of protection while waiting for the right moment to strike.

Also Muay Thai is one of the greatest sports that can make you achieve outstanding stamina, increase your self confidence, sculpture your body and increase your body-mind coordination.


8 employees
4 years in business
Serves St. Petersburg , FL

Payment methods

Credit Card


Student's age

14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Disciplines interested in

Boxing, Kickboxing or Muay Thai

Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


For self defense, Building strength and confidence, Developing discipline, Improving physical health

Class type

Private training, Group classes

Number of students

1 person, 2 people, 3 - 4 people, 5 or more people

Photos and videos

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    Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    It always start with a 60 minutes intro class, shceduled three times a week, then the student joins our beginners classes which are scheduled seven times a week.

    NESTA certified Muay Thai Instructor 

    Group class $35 

    private class $75 

    I started practicing for around 6 years and then i got interested in teaching, also my previous coaches noticed that I have a good eye for techniques, so They encouraged me to persue a career in teaching Muay Thai. 

    Age: 4 to 72 

    Interests: self defense or fitness 

    levels: absolute beginners to advanced 

    start with private calsses then join groups 

    Services offered

    Mixed Martial Arts