Supraconscious Artist By Maria Olon Tsaroucha

Supraconscious Artist By Maria Olon Tsaroucha

5.0Exceptional(10 reviews)
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Excellency. Research. Acting tips. Methods for acting and directing. Quantum physics and acting.

Please respect our time together and contact me only if you will follow up on my call. Much appreciated!


Founder of Supraconscious You theory and method / Perceptual Acting and Directing (Evolution of Method acting, a foundation for every artist, actor, director, dramatist, acting teacher, and coach) | Author of “ Supraconscious, The Genius within You" a book based on Perceptual Acting and Directing (PAD) | Actor, Director, Acting mentor | Studied philosophical systems based on humanitarian grounds. Extensively prolific in generating all sorts of artistic ideas | Worked with actors of diverse learning abilities | Excellent management of turning the limitation of actors to great advantages | In-depth knowledge of assessing creative accomplishments of actors | Excellent working on visualization | Strong desire to make a substantial difference and evolution in actor’s consciousness |


THEATER 1998-2018 working as an actor, director and acting coach in Greece


Plays: “Lunchbrake” , “Trainspotting”, “Sakura the musical”, “Summer bet”, “Mala, the music of the wind”, for the National Greek Opera House “Adam and Eve”, “Bug”, “the Night Porter”, “La nonna”, “The missing one, an indifferent life”. “Andromache”, “Coriolanus”, “Desire under the Elms”, “Cat among the Pigeons”, “Τhe Courageous one”, “Gingerbread lady”, “The house of Bernarda Alba”, “Saturday, Sunday, Monday”, “Return Engagements”, “Cinders”, “Richard ΙΙΙ”, “Rape among the Belt”, “Twelve angry women”

Full-length Films:


“Easy Lia” director V. Seitanidis , “Roco vs Cleopatra” director A. Spinoulas , “Koroido en Taxi” director G. Paraskevopoulos , “Delivery” director N. Panagiotopoulos

Television Series:


“Stolen dreams” ANT production, “Medical Confidentiality” ANT production , “ Stockbrokers” ANT production , “Wedding Dress Fitting” MEGA production

Actor and Director, Creator of Magic Room Theater

Creator, director and producer of projects “this is a Duck”, “ A suspicion on stage”, Reunion”, “Lola’s Cabaret”, “It’s a Wonder Full World”, “Maria in Abundance” performed by a team of artists.


CD “Kind Songs” under the direction of the well-known Greek composer Lakis


CD “Sakura”

Performing as a singer on jazz, soul, swing and rock revisions on live music stages.


"Fenomena" under the auspices of the Greek Union of Physicists, directing Nikos Kaplanis ( Greek medal

winner in Special Olympics).

“Abandonment days” Elena Ferante’s novel.

“IRAQ 9 parts of desire” with remarkable acknowledgement from critics for five consecutive years under the auspices of the Iraqi Embassy followed by fifteen Embassies at the premiere.

“A eis tin n, when the soul meets the universe” under the auspices of the Greek Union of Physicists .

“Dorian Gray Frames” staring Anthimos Ananiadis a well-known Greek actor who lives and works in Los Angeles.

“Acropolis of Athens file” publication at Acropolis Museum. The uniqueness of this particular file is undisputed. In addition to being a significant publication and an educational tool for students of all ages, it is prove to be an important negotiating instrument in the effort by the Hellenic State to retrieve what is rightfully Greek: the sculptures taken from the Parthenon.

Charity galas of Consulat De Cote D’ Ivoire in Greece.

Events of the Tango Acropolis Festival.

Acting Coach and Teacher

Founding, designed and implementing the theatrical studies of Institute IEK AKMH (one of the seven best educational institutions in Europe and the largest vocational institute in Greece) and artistic consultant of IEK AKMI for the last nine years.

Trained and guided professional dancers of “The Tango Acropolis Festival” (the official organiser of the world’s Argentinian Tango competition in Greece.

Trained amateurs and professional actors of 92 Arts, acting school.

Training high school teachers and scientists of Hellenic Physics Society on PAD.

Coaches actors in full-length films for Greek television.

Giving seminars on Method Acting on Theatrical Stages.



DEREE COLLEGE, GREECE 10/1990-10/1994



Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Arts, London

Studied exclusively Stanislavski’s method, Greece

Worked extensively on Shakespearian women, Greece

Studied acting and directing for the cinema with Michael Ilienko, Dean of the Film University in Kiev, Ukraine

Studied Dramatherapy, Greece

Studied creative writing and Philosophy of Literature for eight years at the “Center of Creative Writing and Conflict Resolution” founded by Christiana Labrinidis, Greece


“First steps, first thoughts” 1983

“Translucent Vacant Head” 2011

“The Universal Actor, infinite characters, infinite lives, infinite frames” 2018


Columnist for newspapers and physics scientific magazine.


Ø Founding Member, Golden Membership of the Actor’s Society of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts

Ø Honorary member of the Hellenic Physicist Association and the cultural representative of the Union in Greece and abroad

Ø Honorary member of NAMA ART TEAM at EPI KOLONO Theater

Ø Awarded as the “youngest Greek writer” by famous Greek writers Antonis Samarakis and Kostas Tahtsis

Ø TEDXAUEB performance “Knowing thyself, the eternal process”


English – Full professional



Greek – Native

Additional Information:

Excellent communication skills , Excellent know-how of drama and its manifestation , Excellent working on visualization , Highly motivated and energetic , Excellent ability to create a safety-net for actor’s insecurities


Greencard E1 (extraordinary abilities)

Improoving communication skills for everyone to free the Higher Self from within and become a valuable human being for society and themselves. Become the better version of actor.


27 years in business
Serves Totowa , NJ
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Stripe, Zelle

Social media


Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Acting venue(s)

Theater, Improv theater, Musical theater, Film, TV episode, TV commercial, Radio, Not applicable; lessons are for personal interest

People in group

1 person, 2-4 people, 5 or more people

Acting focus area(s)

No specific focus, Strengthen vocal projection, Refine vocal expression

Students goals

To prepare for an audition, To build confidence, To explore as a hobby, To continue professional development

Acting type(s)

I can make recommendations, Scene study, Cold reading, Method acting, Classical acting

Student's age

26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Dimitris P.

    PAD is a method which has in recent years affected the classical tools for the assessment of theatrical studies and which turns actors into people with a new perception and ethos - something that needs to be our aim and ultimate goal. Mrs. Tsaroucha’s contribution to the world of art is noteworthy. The success of PAD can to a large degree be ascribed to Maria as an arts coach and as someone who organizes training seminars in her own successful PAD theory. PAD is also a method of social empowerment, by promoting positive changes for the public and as a tool for the leap in collective consciousness so direly needed by humanity today. Such an innovative conception deserves to be established internationally as one of the acting methods worldwide.
    ... Show more
    February 01, 2019


    Vassilis P.

    One of the best collaborations I can recall is that with Maria Tsaroucha, who directed and led in my play “The Missing- an interesting life. This is a play which, on the occasion of the “difficult” subject of people missing in the aftermath of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, deals with contemporary issues such as intentional ignorance and fear. The play had already been produced several times but Tsaroucha’s presentation surpassed all expectations. She presented it from the point of view of an ancient Greek tragedy and the production was enriched by the ancient emotion of Methexis and Catharsis. Through PAD, she was able to interlink contemporary theater with the rituals and the sacred emotion of Ancient Tragedy, thus presenting the audience with a invaluable esthetic experience. A unique experience also for the actors who participated and had the opportunity to explore their limits and abilities past the boundaries of the conventional acting technique. Moreover, Maria Tsaroucha, who had one of the leading roles, gave a live and fully characteristic instance of PAD, attaining to a performance overwhelming in its simplicity and naturalness.
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    February 01, 2019


    Varvara A.

    I feel very lucky to have encountered on my way director Maria Tsaroucha, as this was the first time I experienced such great pleasure and honesty in my work and in the building of a role. Mrs. Tsaroucha is one of the most important women directors and simultaneously an amazing acting coach who managed to completely free me on stage, simultaneously offering me extremely important tools. What affects me most is that this process to which I was introduced , is no mere technique but a way that employs the imagination as a tool and simultaneously connects and rouses self-knowledge and existential issues which actors are called to answer in the name of honesty both to themselves and in their projected performance. Mrs. Tsaroucha combines Method Acting, the vision of quantum physics and guided visualization into an outcome that is magical and moving for the mind and soul of both actors and audiences. Actors are called to exist, rather than playact, and the audience is called to feel, not think, raising in an organic manner their consciousness through an exchange of energy that springs from an authentic and organic performance. I am grateful for the collaboration with her and for this experience since, after that, there is no way of going back to previous methods of preparation as actors. I wish to thank her for her help in my personal journey of spiritual development, reminding me that a shift in consciousness is possible and authentic and, through it, a magical performance can be attained.
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    February 01, 2019


    Despina A.

    I had the amazing opportunity to be introduced to the PAD method in combination with the vision of quantum physics. I’ve studied Mathematics and Physics and Quantum Theory has always made a special impression on me. How great it is to be able to apply this theory on acting and understand the concept of multiple dimensions. The collaboration with Maria Tsaroucha made one thing clear – she has limitless respect for the actor. Her theory aims at the attainment of self-awareness by the actor, becoming conscious of the environment, continued research and observation, the continued study of human nature. For Maria Tsaroucha there exists a very important triptych: the body, the mind and the soul. This triptych along with a very good technique, allows the actor to attain to great performances and succeed in transforming a role. Maria Tsaroucha protects the actor and helps him feel safe and hence more creative and real within the present moment. And she goes further, because her vision extends beyond the one actual time period and incorporates the concepts of the universal and the eternal in the art of theater. She prompts the actor to “forget” his physical aspect and its limitations through meditation, brings him close to the soul, the energy formed within a body, and helps him focus on an immaterial state of being. This, finally, is also what Plato suggested, what we already know and can help us, through dialectics, reach perennial and universal truths.
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    February 01, 2019


    James A.

    Further developing Method acting, PAD connected the actor and the experience of “being” on stage to the more structural question of “Who I am” on stage. Basic principles of Einstein, Tesla and other great personalities of science constitute the platform of this new technique. It was one specific exercise, that of the “observer”, that changed my life. I certainly was familiar with the exercise, though not in this developed form. In this exercise you observe everything around you, the environment and yourself as a creature. How do you do this? It’s actually very simple, you “get out of your head” and simply observe without a critical attitude. Much happens while we are not observing. While working to work, for instance, you can simultaneously observe everything around you moving, acting and reacting in the foreground and the background. Cars are passing by and there is a cat walking across the street, a bird trills, a leaf falls in your path, people pass you by etc. You become simultaneously the observer and the observed. You are fully in that moment. And then an amazing thing happens. The veil of the matrix in front of you disappears since you have become a part of it and for some reason you feel connected to everything.
    You begin to experience being part of a larger whole. A transcendental state of perception leads to an alternative state of feeling, a kind of bliss. You feel calm and simultaneously focused on what is really happening. You just “are”. Just breathing and realizing your existence in the now. At a quantum level we are all connected, all made of the same material. On stage we are trained to transform this into an experience. PAD aims at introducing this perception to our understanding and achieve an exceptional performance, aims at unlocking the refined, intelligent capacity to perceive, connecting your subconscious, your ego and your higher self, first as a human being and then as an actor. There are of course many other exercises that lend themselves to the training but one of the most important tools for cultivating our art form is mental visualization. The silencing of my ego through visualization helped me incredibly in opening a new field of understanding for myself. Deconstructing my physical level of the five senses and focusing on the sixth sense of perceivable reality. Visualization is a powerful tool to use for yourself but when there are more people involved, it is all the more powerful. Imagine what you can achieve with four actors presenting their character at once. The accumulation of energy is very intense and so is that impact on any one individual. As a group we learned that “I am one with you and you are one with me”, a statement that changed the dynamic of the group and transformed us. We met each other with love, compassion and empathy. I am another you. Exactly as quantum theory implies the theory of parallel universes, PAD brings this theory to the actor on stage and suggests that we are all one and coexisting in this particular time frame, in this particular universe. At the level of character analysis PAD suggests that I already am my character at a different frame, hence I don’t need to find my character or look for him, but simply emerge into this infinite reality and synchronize with him. So, you use your free will and choose to utilize this frame of thinking and just exist. At a personal level, PAD training was an ecstatic experience. I entered subconsciously and without effort into an innovative reconstruction of the way I think and exist. My vibration as a person grew stronger, the perception of who I am changed and I have become a much better actor. The transition was not easy but the reward was immense.
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    February 01, 2019


    Founder R.

    IEK AKMH has been awarded as one of the seven best educational institutions in Europe and the largest vocational institute in Greece with governmental recognition awarded by the ministry of education for several consecutive years up until the present. We are the first choice for high school graduates seeking a vocational education and that is why we only select highly qualified teachers as well as accomplished entrepreneurs to instil their knowledge and their experiences to our students.
    Ms. Tsaroucha was the first person I thought of inviting when we wanted to include theatrical studies to our program at our school. She is the most suitable person to set up, organise and update school programs for artists as well as actors with the most modern means at her disposal. She has been the artistic consultant of IEK AKMI for the last nine years.
    She is a dominant leading figure in the field of directing in Greece. A pioneering director with innovative ideas who almost always chooses modern and challenging projects. Projects that promote the whole of society with advanced progressive ideas. She is an artist, a creator of quality, of ethos and rare inventive ideas.
    At IEK AKMH, we have introduced to our curriculum the theory and method of Perceptual Acting and Directing, the most modern approach to teaching students about their inner selves. The main goal of Perceptual Acting and Directing is to find harmony with the “Ego” (the self), the subconscious and the higher self of each student. This method cultivates an organic true understanding of the “now” in combination with the newest advances of quantum physics in relation to time and space and the eleven dimensions in which infinity exists. Students are taught to cultivate their perception of empathy, they develop and exercise their inner maturity, their emotional perception so that they can make leaps and bounds in their conscience. Ms Tsaroucha’s goal and method involves a new quality of person who perceives the connection and result of every relationship that is created through harmony, flow and success.
    Ms Tsaroucha is a person that every educational institution needs and wants in their Faculty. For several years, she has directed projects for the examinations of our students at IEK AKMH and she has shared with them unique moments. The love she shows towards her students and vice versa is quite impressive as is the way she works with them. She never discriminates anyone or anything. Her studies and her past experiences are quite remarkable and that is why she is a person who can bring out the best of any student and she will teach him how to create miracles in his life.
    She feels a lot for the space she works in and makes it her second home. She takes a personal interest in everyone’s progress, people’s as well as organisations, since she has a natural simplicity and perception of what is fair and what is for the good of the individual as well as the whole. Her deep conviction is that no one can advance alone since we are all part of a whole.
    Ms Tsaroucha is also a unique actress who intrigues audiences with her performances giving the impression that she is not playing on a stage but instead she encapsulates and transfigures every role she plays. I know that if she is given the means, the opportunity, a place and trust ,she can truly astound with whatever she creates.
    I wish her from the bottom of my heart a bright future and I thank her for her invaluable contribution to our organisation.
    ... Show more
    February 01, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

    Getting to know him . Sharing important theories and methods on acting. Synchronize him or her to a new vibration of Wholeness and Ethos for Excellency. Working with him or her to advance the acting and directing standarts to the highest level possible. Creating stong flmentoring bond.  

    Graduate of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts , NY

    Method Acting

    Creator of Perceptual Acting and Directing ( Quantum Physics and Acting) 


    Meditation Master for Actors

    Author for Conferences concerning Science and Art

    Author of "The Universal Actor, Infinite Lives, Infinite Characters, Infinite Frames" Book 

    $80 per hour 

    Depents the needs of the actor

    Non professional and professional Actors, Directors

    Students of High School


    People who are interested to improove their self knowledge through acting tips 

    My theory and method Perceptual Acting and Directing and the release of my  book "The Universal Actor" 

    Follow your instinct, do not have a second thought to contact an instructor

    To communicate with me and discuss their needs and wants in order to see if we are a good fit

    Services offered
