Beachwood Tai Shin Doh Academy
Before the current time of the internet and mass marketing, a student would search for a martial arts master that was special. A master that could teach not only a broad range of self-defense skills to match the students body type and size, but also life lessons. One that would take that student in and make him or her feel like family. That is what you can find today at the Beachwood Academy. Our style, Tai Shin Doh, is one of the broadest styles available anywhere. Our Master Instructor started in the Martial Arts over 40 years ago, and personally is involved with every class.
I'm very passionate for the martial arts, and I feel that it's not about the titles or accolades, it's all about the students. I try to provide individualized training for all my students, keeping class sizes small. Check out my website at beachwoodacademy.com for more information about me and my style.
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Frequently asked questions
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Pricing is published on my website. I keep prices reasonable because I love working with my students.
What types of students have you worked with?
I work with students of all ages and experience.