Trentino TENNIS Lessons

Trentino TENNIS Lessons



If you're reading this, then you are looking for someone to help you improve your game and get to the next level. I extend my services to you without charging an arm an a leg. You'll see improvements or else a penny will not be taken from you. If you have the passion, determination, and love for tennis then you will get very far with me.


1 employee
7 years in business
Serves Dallas , TX

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Frequently asked questions

I like to sit down and allow my client(s) to explain to me what tennis is. We will go over the fundamental basics of tennis to ensure that every component is understood before picking up a racket. I understand that not everyone understands the scoring, differences between singles and doubles, to how to hold a racket properly. In addition, I want to ensure that you are using the correct racket and strings to prevent injuries. Remember, I look after you before me so you're in good hands. 

We would then develop a training plan that will include a checklist of items that you would like to work on. This is your money and time so I will go at your pace. I want you to feel comfortable because this will allow you to relax and play freely. Tennis is an amazing sport and let your enjoyment guide you to success. 

You can never stop learning in life, even in tennis so we will learn together as far as education. I will provide references and videos for you to watch how the pros repeat motions and shot selections. Together, we will work on finding your favorite sweet shot that will be your weapon in tennis. 

I don't do conditioning unless it's requested and there's alot of tennis conditioning that can be done without striking a ball. This will help you with your movement side to side, forward and backwards...etc...Moving and using you legs are what tennis is all about. I do not want you to rely solely on your arm movements for tennis to avoid injuries and bad habits. It'll all come together in time as we work towards that goal. 

This all depends on the individual. I don't want to charge someone who's starting out playing tennis the same rate as someone who's advanced. I also don't want money to be the only reason why you don't hire me to play tennis. I really mean it when I say I will NOT take a penny from you after your session if you feel that you did not accomplish or learn anything. I'm not in it just to make money because I once was a beginner who looked in the trash can for discarded rackets and flat balls to play alone against the wall. I've been there and I don't want you to feel that you have to be there as well. 

I am a working professional, Realtor and Financial Analyst. I have a Biology degree from Amarillo College, Bachelors from Texas Tech University, and working towards my MBA from West Texas A&M University. All the money I make from coaching you will go straight to my tuition and books. 

I was the President of the Texas Tech University Tennis Club and we finished 3rd behind Texas A&M and University of Texas for two consecutive years. We were also voted the BEST Tennis Club of the year by USTA and received a bye into Nationals. We made it to Nationals as well when I was President my first year and we met the legendary Billy Jean King. 

I usually work with intermediate players ages 14 and up. I will take on younger as long as there's a legal guardian present. 

I have been Captain of the mens USTA 4.0 league for a few years and have coached with men ages 18-60 years of age. I am very approachable with a passive, aggressive style of tennis. 

I am excited that I have been asked to return to Captain again for USTA. I was able to recruit people all over DFW to play and ensured that everyone became not only teammates but friends as well. It's important that you form a bond with your teammates and coach. Without the right chemistry, it'll never work. 

Look for someone who's passionate about tennis just like you are. There are alot of people that are certified and hungry to make money. Try to find someone who cares about your goals and make you feel like they deserved every cent you paid them. Most importantly, please be happy together because you have someone to be by your side during tournaments small or large. Just because someone has a piece of paper that designates them as a pro doesn't mean that they will always have your best interest. Remember you first before $$$!

You should really sit down and ask yourself how passionate you are about Tennis. In addition, write down some goals you'd like to achieve and also indicate what you're strong at. More importantly, list what your comfort zone(s) are because you never want someone to tell you to do something you're not comfortable or ready for. It should be at your pace and that coach should be more than someone who feeds you a ball to hit and say good job! He/She must genuinely mean it!

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