Cyan Swimming Academy focuses on providing private swimming lessons to kids and adults. Our seasoned instructors bring years of professional training and teaching experience, cater training plan to fit individual student’s needs, fine tune swimming techniques, and deliver results with progressive improvement in swimming forms and speed. We also offer baby aquatics lessons, and swim team practices.
Sam L.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Schedule lessons: please fill out open enrollment form. You will be contacted by a coordinator to discuss the days and times available for scheduling.
Procedures on Day of Lesson: Upon arriving for your swimming lesson, please check in Cyan Swim front desk. Your instructor will be waiting for you at the pool deck. Please exchange information with your instructor on the first day in order to communicate any questions, comments, or concerns. Please feel free to discuss details about your child's lessons with your instructor at the end of the lesson.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Our client’s safety is our first priority. We take pride in our quality instructors. Instructors must meet the following criteria before teaching a class:
- First Aid
- Water Safety Instruction
- 40+ hours of water training and coaching orientation
We are member of the United Stated Swim School Association. We adopt best practices from the professional association and participate in annual conference and workshops.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
please check out our website:
(upper right corner--Price list)
What types of students have you worked with?
Kids and adults of all age--it is never too early or to late to start swimming!