The Egg-cellent Company
My company creates delicious and nutritious breakfast sandwiches that includes incorporating veggies in the most important meal of the day. It’s great for students, Mompreneurs and parents who are always on the go and don’t have time to prepare a balanced meal before leaving the house in the morning.
My social media handle is: @eggcellentbreakfastco on Facebook and Instagram.
I most enjoy seeing the "ah ha" lightbulb that goes off in the eyes of parents when they began to understand the importance of food choices, learning to read nutrition labels and making a more informed decision when choosing what they will feed their families. I also enjoy it when parents tell me that their kids now request specific veggies with their meals when they previously would eat them at all. This to ME means that I have done my job well.
Student age(s)
Interested cuisines
Desired cooking skills
Food allergies / dietary restrictions
Number of people
Recipe difficulty
Photos and videos