Music Studio Of Cindy Abts
Cindy Abts is a specialist in piano, drums/percussion, music theory, and conducting. She currently has a private music studio in California's Inland Empire. Cindy has worked as a performer and educator with concert bands, jazz bands, orchestras, jazz combos, steel bands, pep bands, marching bands, drumlines, and drum corps. She brings over 30 years of playing experience and 25 years of teaching experience to her students. She completed her bachelor's degree in music performance at Humboldt State University and master's in music performance at the Ohio State University. She completed her doctoral course work at Ball State University with a primary emphasis in music performance and a secondary emphasis in band conducting. Cindy has taught piano, percussion, jazz, music theory, music history, music technology and conducting at the elementary, secondary, and collegiate levels. She has previously taught at Dickinson State University, Ball State University, and Indiana Wesleyan University. Her teaching has been recognized through teaching awards, including being named the "Teacher of the Year" at Dickinson State University. As a performer she has played in a number of ensembles, including the Ohio State Faculty Chamber Ensemble and orchestras in Eureka California; Kokomo, Marion, and Muncie Indiana; and Fullerton, Temecula, Riverside, and West Covina California. She has been the principal percussionist and timpanist with the Eureka Symphony and the Bismarck-Mandan Symphony Orchestra. She has worked with conductors such as Denis de Coteau and Leonard Slatkin and performed in master classes for Robert Van Sice, Katarzyna Mycka and Frederic Macarez. She has studied percussion with Jerry Steinholtz, Joe Lizama, Dr. Eugene Novotney, and Dr. Erwin C. Mueller. She studied piano with Dr. Deborah Clasquin, Dr. Frank Marks, and Eva Martin Hollaus. Cindy's students have gone on to study music at the university level as well as becoming professional music teachers and performers. Her students can participate in numerous competitions and festivals, including The Music Development Program through RCM, CAPMT, MTNA, ABRSM, MTAC, and the Piano Guild. She also offers piano and music theory lessons specifically designed for those students who are preparing for the AP music theory exam, MTAC Certificate of Merit music theory, college entrance theory exams, university piano proficiency exams, and the CSET music exams.