Carson Karate Club

Carson Karate Club

5.0(2 reviews)


Should you wish to learn a life changing " ART " steeped in tradition and grasp the opportunity to improve your humanity, let's connect.

Started my martial arts practice in 1971 and still evolving today :-)

If you are looking for quick skills that MAY not work in a serious conflict and just want to stroke your ego wearing a white set of angry pajamas. Good luck.

I do not teach one on one, classes are sponsored by the City of Carson as part of the HUMAN ENRICHMENT department. Now in out 15th year we welcome people from all walks of life.

Our classes are held at Dominguez park on Thursdays and Fosia park on Tuesdays , both at 6pm for new students …. Sorry I do not offer “private” sessions. These are the only days I teach 😁


Hired 3 times
2 employees
13 years in business
Serves Long Beach , CA

Payment methods

Credit Card

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews



    Professor Frank is very professional and my son really liked his class.
    ... Show more
    September 09, 2020


    Karate .

    Karate is not a walk in the park. It does not take one season to master a KATA. Current instructors and current students are very committed to their crafts. Its the city and park director that is not consistent with our schedule and venue. Were always at the bottom of the barrel and constantly had to give up our spots for other sports. But as far as our Instructor, They are always giving us updates of any changes in schedule and venue. Our kids are committed to learned even with all of our disadvantages thrown at us.
    We are very appreciative of our karate family that we built during our 3 years in the program. Instructor strive to provide kids with discipline. Thank you Sensei Frank!! And Sensei Welder for all your dedications! We are grateful for the affordability and convenient schedules.. We miss KARATE!! KIAI !!
    ... Show more
    September 09, 2020

    Frequently asked questions

    Start simple , basics ... your skill set is only as good as your basics ! 

    47 Years of Karate expierance  :-) 

    Services offered

    Mixed Martial Arts