I am a paino teacher and music composer with more than 20 years experience. I also run and conduct a music group, SABA CHOIR, with many concert performances in Bay Area, Chicago, Peonix of Arizona and more. You can visit our website at: http://www.sabachoir.com/
I am very proud to been awarded for the best music teacher and composer of the year in one of the foreign schools. I teach classic, pop, and folk piano and I use different tecahing styles and methods depending on each individuals desire and age. Student can travel to my place or I do, It's optional. Each lessons normally take about 45 minus.
It is my passion, because music lessons can help children as young as four show advanced brain development, improve their memory and reading skills. And also making music can significantly improve positive social behaviour in young children, meaning they're more cooperative, agreeable and willing to help others. I love to help students achieve this goal with my strong connection with them.