The Art of American Kenpo is HIGHLY Adaptable to the practitioner. I work very closely with my students to teach them the Principles (think Body Mechanics) of our Art. Then, together, we go through the system and, once learned, begin to tailor the Art to each individual student.
Visit the website for more details... mojokenpo.com
For thousands of years people have been doing Martial Arts. All too often, those Arts dictate that current practitioners perform it the same that they have always done it. Not so with American Kenpo. In American Kenpo it is encouraged for you to modify the Art for what works for you...your body, your preferences, your size, shape, weight, etc. Make "Your Kenpo". Helping my students develop "Their Kenpo" is inspiring and often helps me learn from them...bringing the education full-circle frequently.
Student's age
Disciplines interested in
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Number of students
Photos and videos

Michael N.
Michael A.
Noah A.
Doug H.
Rachel N.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
All students in Kenpo begin a Personal Journey...each student progresses at a different pace. It's my job to work with each student at their own pace to discover how our Art form works for each student...
Training typically begins with an introduction to our concepts and principles and beginning the lessons to "internalize" some of our base movements.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I began my Journey in American Kenpo in October of 2011. I try to learn and better myself with every lesson and every training class. I always try to remain open to suggestion and questions from my students...it's not unheard of for a beginning student to see things in a way I never before considered. This is a constantly evolving Art and I try to improve my own Kenpo, along with my student's at every opportunity.
Check out the website, mojokenpo.com, for more information about the instructor...
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Classes are held twice a week...Tuesday & Thursday Evenings, from 6:45-8:15. Each month's tuition is $89 for attending both classes. If you can only make it once a week, the price is $50/month.
Check out the website for details on how to Request Training...
How did you get started teaching?
After a little more than 7 years of study and training, circumstances were such that the best way for me to continue training was to begin to train others regularly in the Spring of 2019. In regular training, all students have opportunities to teach/train others. In this respect they begin to not only verbalize the skills and motions that they've internalized, but also develop the skills to self-coach, thus improving their developmental growth-curve within the Art. With my instructor's blessing, I continued on training in his honor.
What types of students have you worked with?
Because our Art can be modified for each practitioner, it truly is an Art for nearly everyone. I've had students who are in their late 60's, early teens, and everything in-between. I've had training partners who are men, women, weighed 90 lbs. and weighed 240 lbs...from 5' nothin' to 6'5". Whatever your physical circumstances, we can work within them to develop "Your Kenpo".
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I've been studying Kenpo for many years. The fondest memory I have is of my fellow Kenpoists. Unlike the typical stereotype of Martial Artists being macho specimens with big egos, I have found Kenpoists to be very geniune people who really do, for the most part, care about the people and world around them. In my experience, Kenpoists really are the Best kind of People...
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
There are all kinds of reasons to study a Martial Art. Health benefits, personal defense, or just simply something to do. Whatever reason you have, make certain that you enjoy not only the training, but the people and atmosphere that you will be doing it in. There's a reason so many people begin training in a Martial Art and give it up after a few weeks, months, or years...it usually boils down to it not being enjoyable. Make certain that the atmosphere that you're training in allows for not only personal interaction, but ample opportunities to ask questions and get them answered. It needs to be an atmosphere that you'll enjoy the experience week after week and month after month...
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
Training in Martial Arts is a Highly Personal Journey. Each individual will only get out of it the effort, solemnity, and honor that they have put into it. Some will train for years and years and continue to learn and develop with each opportunity, truly becoming a student of the Art. Others will train with one goal only in mind, to obtain a certain rank. Whatever your reasons are for training, make certain that your instructor can reasonably help you meet those goals. Your expectations and philosophy for training will most likely change over your Journey due to budding understanding of the Art you're studying and life's circumstances. Make certain you communicate those changes to your instructor so that they can provide you the best training experience that they're capable of.