Katherine Svistoonoff, DMA

Katherine Svistoonoff, DMA

5.0(4 reviews)


Welcome! My teaching focuses on my student's strengths and reasons for learning. I ensure that students are taught from a personalized curriculum that brings them closer to their goals while emphasizing the music fundamentals and pain-free technique that will prepare and enrich them for life. Passionate about piano and music theory, I can engage any curious or dedicated student with my perspective and over 35 years of teaching experience.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
40 years in business
Serves Jacksonville , FL

Payment methods

Cash, Check, Zelle

Social media


Years experience

No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 – 2 years experience, 2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience

Able to read music

Student can read music, Student cannot read music

Lesson length

30 minutes, 60 minutes

Student's age

Under 5 years old, 5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Student has instrument

Students who have a piano

Interested musical styles



0 reviews


Jason A.

I took Dr. Shipmans Aural Comprehension course in college, and to this day it is the most valuable (and my favorite) course that Ive ever taken as a musician. Training our ears is critical to musical development, and her methods of training the ear to identify single or multiple intervals, as well as chords and chord progressions were vital in my growth as a musician, and to this day help me with similar skills such as transposing and even sight-singing. I wouldnt be the musician I am today without her guidance!
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March 05, 2019


Elizabeth M.

Katherine is one of the most inspiring teachers Ive ever had. 10 years later and I still reference her lessons. If youre looking for a boring lecture with no real life application, this is NOT your guide. Thanks for the musical lessons and the life lessons. There are some people that leave a mark on your heart. She is one of them.
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March 04, 2019


Elaine B.

She was friendly, clear, and demanding. She always had clear and high expectations. Sometimes I thought there was no way that I would be able to reach those expectations, but Dr. S was always there to provide additional support, and encouragement. It was so refreshing to be working with someone who demanded the best from me. It changed my life and I am a better person and musician for it.
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March 03, 2019


Molly F.

I was a big flop at Music Theory when I started. They tried to give me the placement test, and I was like -- but seriously, if I dont know any of this, can I just leave and you put me in the lowest level youve got? Cue Dr. Shipman. She took something I knew little about, and made it fun. She was engaging and exciting; very tough but also very fair. I enjoyed learning from her every class -- so much I came back for a second semester with her. She found nontraditional ways to approach the traditional, and I still find myself clapping a contra beat every once in a while years later. Thanks, Dr. S, for being such a big part of my college experience. <3
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March 03, 2019

Frequently asked questions

First, I like to chat with the student and listen to him/her play to make sure it's a good fit.  This way, we can ensure a truly productive and fun experience for all.  At the initial discussion, we figure out what works well and what could use some improvement.  From there, we plan out our lessons.  Pretty simple, but it works!  ;)

I have four (4) degrees in music and over 35 years of experience. 

Services offered

Music Theory