Piano is my passion and my life. I have a major in piano pedagogy and have been teaching for 11 years now. My goal is to instill a love for the piano that is enjoyable, fun and interactive. We have social, movie, theory, game nights to allow students in the studio to build friendships and become more motivated through sharing music with other students their ages. We study composers every month and learn about the music we are currently playing so your student will have a foundation to build upon and know the music history behind the piano and music. There are two recitals a year and many other opportunities to perform. I am a member of MTNA and GMEA.
30 minute lessons-$100/month
45 minute lessons-$140/month
60 minute lessons-$175/month
We will make music one of the most enjoyable experiences your child will ever encounter and travel an avenue of training that will remain with them forever! I would be happy to share references upon request. Spaces limited. There are homeschool and sibling discounts available.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Look forward to hearing from you!
Rebecca Goforth