This artist has learned driven by a deep love and passion for the pianoforte. Primarily self taught, he has intermittently ground his playing in the jazz idiom since he was a child and plays in honor of the pianistic voice he has been allowed to cultivate. He studied briefly at Cortland State and Old Westbury Music programs within the State University of NY. He is pursuing vocals as a part of his musical development as well. He struggles with rhythmic timing and would rather play alone, but more and more is challenged to get out of his comfort zone. "I guess I've become selfish with my musical thoughts. It's almost like, if I am not sharing publicly, I don't have to run the risk of making mistakes. Frank Bridgewater has admonished me, you must let people hear what you are saying. It's not given to you to horde for yourself"
As part of the creative learning expansion, commanded of him, Tyrone provided beginner and intermediate lessons to children at the Thomas Grice Academy of Music at the Conservatory Mansion in Trenton NJ and private lessons to adults from September of 2018 until December of 2020. For the past two years, as a novice teacher, he has practiced meeting his students where they are, learning for himself how to address their individual challenges, and then how to inspire their love of music and expression through experimental mediums, at the pianoforte. More information is included here... He is finding that some of the best musical rudiments and insights are learned when you are teaching. "Teaching forces you to know... for your students."
For the past two years, as a novice teacher, he has practiced meeting his students where they are, learning for himself how to address their individual challenges, and then how to inspire their love of music and expression through experimental mediums, at the pianoforte. More information is included here... He is finding that some of the best musical rudiments and insights are learned when you are teaching. "Teaching forces you to know... for your students."
Years experience
Able to read music
Lesson length
Student's age
Student has instrument
Interested musical styles
Photos and videos