Demas Wrestling

Demas Wrestling

5.0(1 review)


We teach our students how to chain wrestle from any position with a strong emphasis on the feet. We like to say we are teaching how to move not just moves. We teach youth beginner wrestling thru college. All skill levels.

Lou has taught many district , state and national champions including many All-Americans. Lou was an all-Marine wrestler. He has wrestled all over the world and conducted many clinics with other elite wrestlers. His son Josh was a two time state champion and All American at Ohio State. His son Dom (2x state champion) is currently wrestling at Oklahoma University and All-Americaned his Freshman year (2019)

I love seeing the kids start to get what we are teaching then see them do it in a match for a big win.


1 employee
15 years in business
Serves West Jefferson , OH

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    The kids have learned so much from him and a different style to help in those tricky matches
    ... Show more
    August 19, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

    We like to offer 1-2 classes at no charge to try us out.  We work alot form our feet with alot of hand fighting, underhooks, overhooks, throws, trips.  We teach chain wrestling.  WE find it more iimpratnatn to know HOW to move than to just know moves.

    Lou was an All-Marine wrestler and has wrestled and trained all over the world.  He has been a clinician with many of the top wrestlers in the USA, Europe and Russia.

    I wrestled in High School and continue to wrestle in  the Marine Corp.

    Youth, Middle School, High School and College with all skill levels

    Most recent is my son Dominick  placing in Worlds and placing 4th in NCAA tournament and being an All-American at Oklahoma as a freshman (2019).  In addition he was a 4 time state placer and 2 time state champion.  My other son Josh was a two time state champion and wrestled at Ohio State.

    Services offered
