Carter Suzuki Violin And Fiddling

Carter Suzuki Violin And Fiddling

5.0Exceptional(10 reviews)


We are a fully authentic Suzuki Violin program providing weekly private lessons as well as twice monthly group classes for student's enrolled in our studio. We also provide expert tutelage in fiddling. We teach all ages highly successfully. Qualified and highly experienced in both genres. We have been saturated in the fiddling world through directing State Fiddle Championships for 15 years and serving as National and state level judges.


Hired 3 times
2 employees
39 years in business
Serves Vancouver , WA

Payment methods

Credit Card, Venmo, Paypal


Do you own a violin?

Student who has an instrument, Student who is planning to purchase an instrument and would like advice

Years experience

No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 – 2 years experience, 2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience

Able to read music

Student can read music, Student cannot read music

Lesson length

30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes

Student's age

Under 5 years old, 5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Instrument interested in

Violin, Fiddle, I can recommend an instrument

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Sue H.

    Denice is a mastered, professional in the violin field. She is highly knowledgeable and trained with skills and drills to help you not only learn but accomplish and perfect your Suzuki songs. Look no further!
    ... Show more
    January 16, 2019


    Eileen W.

    Ive been studying Texas-style fiddling with Denice for the past several years and find her to be experienced, knowlegeable, analytical, and caring.
    ... Show more
    January 14, 2019


    Jamie S.

    We started with Denice Carter almost 4 years ago. I say we because it has become a wonderful family experience! My daughter is now 12 and has learned so much more than classical violin and fiddling but, she is getting pretty darn good at that too! We love it and what both Denice and her daughter Aarun have shared with us has been nothing short of amazing! Oh, did I mention the new musically family we have now....AWESOME!
    ... Show more
    January 08, 2019


    Janet G.

    Working with Denice has really helped my daughter grow as a player. Denice pushes her to reach her potential and has gotten to know my daughter’s strengths and challenges. This enables her to fine tune her instruction to maximize the results. Suzuki method is the BEST and the twice monthly group classes are a wonderful bonus.
    My daughter didn’t know anything about fiddling when she started taking lessons from Denice, but quickly took to the style and has enjoyed the more relaxed, fun, rhythmic
    nature of the music. Fiddling contrasts and compliments Suzuki method/classical music to enhance my daughter’s overall musical knowledge and ability.
    In my opinion, if you are serious about learning violin or learning alongside your child while they learn violin, Suzuki method and Denice Carter are for you.
    ... Show more
    January 08, 2019


    Elena Z.

    Ive got very positive experience working with Carter Suzuki Violin And Fiddling. I started violin practicing at my 50, it is so much fun, thanks to Denise for her creative way of teaching and individual approach to students of any age.
    ... Show more
    January 08, 2019


    Jane K.

    Denice Carter is an excellent teacher for Suzuki and fiddling lessons. She is disciplined and fun to make steady progress. As my son and I were brand new to violin, she is patient and supportive. Given her experience, she has a wide range of ideas to encourage and motivate students. We are grateful to have her as a teacher and friend!
    ... Show more
    January 07, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

    Our studio systematically covers all technical training. Our passion is teaching in a loving and nurturing manor while bringing students to their full potential. Students following our instruction find joy through mastery of thier instrument! Student's begin by learning by ear which is best when honing the skills needed to play in tune on the violin. Listening to the repitoir  being taught is an integral and essential element needed to develop our skills. With our many years of experience we have countless ways of helping the student enjoy the process!  We have two instructors - Denice Carter teaches in Vancouver Tues,Wed & Fridays. Her Champion fiddler and Suzuki trained daughter Aarun Carter teaches in S.E Portland. Aarun also teaches fiddle students how to play back up guitar.  

    Denice’s son Ricky Selman is also Suzuki trained and expert at the fiddle. He teaches on Mondays and Thursdays In Vancouver.

    Fully Suzuki trained and seasoned fiddlers. 35 and 10 years experience.

    We charge flat rate monthly tuition. Half hour weekly lessons are $132 per month. 45 minute as well as hour slots are available. We ask that new students commit to a year and payment is set up through PayPal auto pay. 

    I started teaching as a young high school student. Since the age of nine I knew teaching would be what I would do! My journey began 48 years ago! Teaching is my passion!

    All ages from 18 months to 80!

    I very much enjoy working with my students in group class! My daughter and I hold twice monthly Suzuki group classes for 18 and under, monthly adult group class as well as working with our high energy fiddle performance group FDDLOCITY! Group classes are provided to students of CSFV at no additional charge. 

    Respect the teachers expertise. If you are confident in thier skills as a teacher, learning will progress smoothly and productively! Clearly communicate what you are looking for, your goals and struggles. Ours Is a parent involved program for students 12 and under. Older students may choose unaccompanied lessons. 

    Do I have time to practice? Time must be set aside each day for practice. 

    Am I able to commit, long term? Learning to play the violin is not a quick process. It takes years of study to achieve mastery.

    Am I willing, as parent to help my child (with guidance from instructor), provide a nurturing musical environment and attend lessons with my child? 

    Services offered
