John D. Mears Drums & Strings Instruction
43 years experience, over 1500 lessons in 7 yrs with alone and going on 20 yrs teaching by ear, performance & notation.
Performing drums (plus Piano & Guitar) has brought so much enjoyment to my life and has expanded my cognitive and creative mind more than I would have ever realized when I started in 1978.
Teaching/sharing my drumming experience is a passion! My students are taught not only how to play drums but also about music structure (verse, chorus, bridge, etc.), how to perform with other musicians, how to dissect a piece of music & so much more.
Various styles and rhythms are taught rudiments are covered thoroughly (nothing better than an impressive double stroke roll!) and learning on a full drum set from the first lesson on!!!
I have always felt can read a personality and ability very early on, thus customizing lessons with my approach to accordingly.
Furthermore, I always treat my students with respect, courtesy and most importantly...patience, which I find makes students more apt to relax, listen, learn, feel the music and have FUN!
Musical styles
Guitar style
Has instrument
Years experience
Able to read music
Lesson length
Student's age
Photos and videos