Get the right training for the right price. The whole reason I started training others was bc I always found it hard to find a trainer that I could afford. So I started off by offering low prices to get my own foot in the door and it has been a great experience for myself and all my students.
Student's age
Disciplines interested in
Experience level
Class type
Number of students
Photos and videos

Aaron S.
Riri K.
Kelly R.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Making them feel comfortable is always the 1st thing at the top of my list. I always tell this story to my students: When I was in h.s. my parents did not allow me to play football due to concerns they had about my small size. I was bummed. All throughout middle school I played tackle football with all my friends, but wouldn't be able to play the real thing. I was denied football by my parents and then my oldest brother, George, asked; "Hey Frank, why don't you join wrestling?" I remember the exact words, I'll never forget, I responded with, I don't know, I don't think I'll be allowed to do that either. And then he said; No, it'll be okay, you wrestle people the same size as you. I kick your ass all the time, imagine someone your own size. And then that's when it hit me, it was that response alone that started the little spark to it all. It pushed me to ask my parents to let me wrestle even though they had already not liked the idea of a contact sport. Then I went to the wrestling coach, he was a junior English teacher as well, Mr. Franco. I'll never forget, I went into his classroom after school one day and I told him what had happened with my parents and football, and about my size and medical conditions and he said; "None of that matters in this sport," "come down to the wrestling room tomorrow." It was off season so mandatory practices were not in session, which actually worked out to my advantage because I was able to be trained one on one with a junior wrestler. I am proud to say that my first wrestling trainer was Nicole Vladivia. She was the one who made me do countless shots and shaping me up. I never stopped going after that I was hooked. She was kind, and respectful and even though I had difficulty she was really patient and understanding. This rubbed off on me and whenever we had new teammates join, I too would be eager to help in a kind way.
My process is always to start by making my students comfortable because it is the best way in my opinion. You cannot rush the beginning stages, and you must stay patient.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have my B.A. in Criminal Justice and Minor in Philosophy. Boxing and Wrestling is all philosophical it derives from having to use your brain, it's a giant, physical chess game and you will begin to make sense of that when you train with my team.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
As of right now pricing has been made MORE AFFORDABLE due to the pandemic.
At ONE-ON-ONE we define a session at 1 hour and 30mins
For Example: (One Session= 1 hour and 30mins of One-On-One Training) (We Provide All Gear but recommend you have your own gloves due to COVID-19)
Beginner's Special (Valid for 6months)
*Our students excel quickly in our program
Intermediate/Advanced Special: (Just Looking for Pad/Mitt work?)
For in-Home training (we come to you) we charge extra accordingly by travel distance. (Please let me know if this is something that you are interested in)
Bringing back group sessions! If you would like to participate in a group session let us know! Group sessions start at $40/session. Group sessions will be activated at parties of 3 or more.
*Payments accepted in Cash, Apple Pay, Debit/Credit card.
How did you get started teaching?
Being a Captain of a wrestling team practically forces you to teach the sport, but outside of my team involvements, I would say I started teaching in 2010 when I started teaching my neighborhood friends and later, college colleagues as well.
What types of students have you worked with?
I've worked with taller, heavier people than me, and smaller people than me, size has never been an issue. I've never worked with disabled individuals or medically challenged, but I can definitely work it out. I myself have challenges and know how tough it can be to get started on training without knowing your full capabilities and limitations. If you struggle with anything like this send me an email stating your concerns or challenges and I will be able to accommodate to your needs. I've worked with females as well, in fact I was trained by the girls wrestling team when I first started out, it's never been an issue. I look forward to training anyone !
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
*Please do not hesitate to call or text me at (626) 418-5215 maybe we can work something out if you cannot meet at any of our locations.
This is my personal cellphone.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
I would say to ask for their references and physical proof of their involvements in the sport they are teaching. For example, awards, photographs, or videos.
Please follow us on IG @1_on_1wrestlingboxing
Here I will regularly post very informational material and you can also get in contact with me through there.