Hunt House Creative Arts Center
Hunt House Creative Arts Center, located in the heart of downtown St. Charles, Illinois, is more than just a school. It offers a nurturing space that fosters connection and creative expression through music + the arts. With a strong emphasis on personal growth, peer support, and inclusivity, Hunt House is dedicated to making every student feel valued and acknowledged. Their mission is to enrich the St. Charles community with their passion for music and songwriting.
Musical styles
I can make recommendations, Classical, Jazz, Pop, R&B, Rap, Country, Opera, Musical theater, Gospel
Years experience
Student has no formal training, Student has no formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 – 2 years experience, 2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience
Able to read music
Student can read music, Student cannot read music
Lesson length
30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes
Student's age
Under 5 years old, 5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old
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