Richard Heiberger Classical & Jazz Piano Instruction
Professional Piano Instruction, Classical, Popular & Jazz Improvisation
In the historic Fine Arts Building you will have a relaxed positive environment in which to develop your musical ability to its highest potential. Students are given friendly professional instruction by an degreed experienced, classically trained instructor who will give you the musical skills that are necessary for playing the piano with artistic expression and technical proficiency.
On you first lesson lesson you actually begin to play! Fun simple-direct modern approach captures your immediate response, assuring continued progress.
Each lesson embodies the basic principles of piano technique. A logical introduction to a solid foundation in piano playing.
Students will learn to play various styles of music including classical and jazz. In addition you will be instructed in a variety of technical studies which include note reading, theory, harmony, scales, chords, inversions, improvisation, progressions, phrasing, interpretation and analysis.
Accepting students of all ages and levels, Accelerated method for busy adults.
I have a Masters Degree and State Certification with over 25 years experience. My students of all ages and levels show evidence of careful technical training and have won numerous awards and prizes.
Available most days and evenings, discounts for college students who are serious about learning to play piano.