Hummingbirdhouse Music Studio
Music for ALL ages, prenatal through seniors! Margaret A. Waddell, M.M., Early Childhood Music Development Specialist, Missouri Certified Music Educator. Classes offered: Prenatal Family Music sessions, Music Play (0-3) caregiver-assisted classes, Music Play (3-6) preschool classes, Jump Right In to Singing (7-12) elementary and homeschool classes, Teen Singers, Adult, Women and Senior Gathering of Song group classes in addition to private voice lessons, ear-training, sight-singing, music theory, Keyboard Games for Beginners (4--6), Music Moves for Piano (7+), private piano lessons, Drumming Up the Fun! (4-7), World Music Drumming (8-12), Tin Whistle for Beginners, Cedar Flute for Beginners, ABCDance (4-7, or older) (Alternative to Ballet Class), adaptive lessons for Special Needs.
Everything I do is informed by the field of Music Learning Theory. With developmental music learning I model and acculturate young listeners to the language of music, while they still learn intuitively. All musicians learn to audiate first as a path to music literacy or as an end in itself. Improvisation and creating music for right in with learning to feel music in one's body. It's a holistic approach that shows real evidence of learning, and its fun!