

♫ I truly listen to what your goals & objectives are. Then, develop a customized lesson plan & time lines to achieve said bench marks. My rates are very affordable & usually will have, even for my beginner level students, playing the music they love, in a relatively short time period.

♫ The biggest myth about learning & playing an instrument: " I do not have any special talent to be a good player"

♫ Reality: Nothing could be further from the truth. It is true some individuals have slightly better instincts. However, we are all basically the same, skill set wise, in the beginning. Learning & playing, on a large scale, has many technical components that can be mastered with practice, technique and guidance. ♫ I have seen some students, blossom into amazing players, that initially thought they did not have the talent. DO NOT LET THIS MYTH DETER YOU, IF YOU WANT IT BAD ENOUGH, YOU CAN DO IT.

*** Teaching is something I genuinely love. Sharing this knowledge & passion to my students drives me. Just like anything in life, the more you do it, the better you get. My teaching experiences have showed me what works, and what does not work, for a particular student & situation.

*** I have a genuine love and passion for playing and teaching, and I am very good at it. When I see, hear & play music, it just makes sense. And, I know how to translate this knowledge to students, in ways they can use and benefit from.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
14 years in business
Serves Wallingford , PA


Years experience

No formal training, No formal training; some self-taught experience, 0 – 2 years experience, 2 – 4 years experience, 4+ years of experience

Able to read music

Student can read music, Student cannot read music

Lesson length

30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes

Student's age

19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Student has instrument

Students who have a piano, Students who have a keyboard

Interested musical styles

Classical, Jazz, Pop, I can make recommendations

No reviews (yet)

Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

Each student is different, so the processes & styles vary. It is my job to develop a lesson plan that will provide the best results for my students, based on their goals & objectives.

*** We should never lose sight of what music's real purpose is; enjoyment & enhancing our lives, and those around us. When this is always at the forefront, my job is easy, because it is the student who's at the helm, I just go along for the ride:)

♫ Playing piano for over 45 years. ♫ Advanced lessons and theory from some of the most accomplished instructors. ♫ Teaching for over 15 years, all levels, adults & children. ♫ Use of progressive techniques & customized lesson plans, for each student. ♫ Composer, of original compositions, for over 15 years. ♫ Highly adept with technique, theory, scales, arpeggios, Hanon exercises, and much more. ♫ Excellent site reader, with perfect pitch & an exceptional ear.

*** Perhaps a better word is value. Am probably priced lower than the going rate, more so because I know how hard it is economically for people now a days. I try to keep this in mind when quotes are issued

I have always been a natural teacher, coach and mentor. Started with teaching some family members and friends, and it grew from there.

♦ All levels, all ages. children under 10 years old, adults over 70. ♦ Music, to me, is the great connector, skill levels & ages alike. ♦ My strengths are bringing out the very best in each of my students.

♦ To find a piano instructor who will customize a lesson plan tailored to what you want. ♦ You should feel absolutely confident in who you choose (style, methods, expertise, etc.). 

► Is the instructor qualified? Experienced? A proven track record? 

► Is the instructor with in your geographical preferences? Will they travel to you? ♫♫♫ Really comes down to what you want (the student, or parent of the student) to accomplish musically.

Services offered
