Wondersound Music

Wondersound Music



We are a family owned shop that thrives on personal touches and one on one attention. We also believe that performance is very important to learning, so we have several opportunities to perform through out the year, including the Big Jam where students train to be in a rock band and perform and a great concert.

sharing music with families is the drive that keeps us moving upward and onwards.


Serves Menomonee Falls , WI

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Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

All students come from different musical backgrounds and experience. All of our teachers analyze this and put together a path to success that helps the students reach or surpass their goals.

We have 13 teachers with over 200 years of teaching experience. Most of our teachers also have degrees in music and education.

We go month to month here and our schedules are flexible.

From 4 to 75 and everything in between.

Know your goals, and don't be afraid to tell your teacher.

Services offered

Bass Guitar