I was 9-10 yrs old when i experienced civil war.
18 when i start trained in martial arts with a pioneer and former special forces coach. Same time i started deeply my studies in philosophy.
One sentence that sticked on me was that of Bruce Lee who said: "Do not fear someon that does 1000 maneuvers, but someone that does one maneuver for 1000 times". Ive started to study and watch patterns from movies in martial arts. To shows to competitions. To real life browl and street fights in the neighborhood. Times when you have to be ruthless. Now im studying and practicing judo and grappling. Also ive seen and studied WWE maneuvers. Wrestling. Capoeira, boxing. Muay thai.
Ultimately im developing as single tool that would benefit in the private workout everyone that would will to buy it. Has multiple athletic functions in one.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Asking the needs and expectations.
Student backgrownd
Time frame.
What intensity ?
Entire training time is recorded.
Warming up time has crucial role in my method.
Free yoga time mixed with breathing methodic by the end, to reduce exchaution and releasing to avoid acids to be collected in the muscles and bones.
Using the new developing training tool with multiple training functions. Something new in the field.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
4 years kick boxing training with a pioneer of this sport. Doing specifically oriented in full contact sparring. As well as a former special forces.
3 years blue belt in BJJ as well as currently Yellow belt in Judo.
Boxing standard and peek a boo style.
Muay thai.
Capoeira, Take down maneuvers.