I love the variety of what I do as a piano teacher. Piano students come with all types of backgrounds, goals, and learning styles. The process of getting to know another person and guide them through the learning process is wonderful and never gets old! I create and arrange materials to supplement the already great method books and supplementary music selected for each individual student. The ultimate goal is to pass on to someone else the ability to understand and play beautiful music for themselves. This is a satisfying thing to do each day.
Photos and videos
Nadine H.
The F.
Frequently asked questions
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Piano Pedagogy, Louisiana College 1983-1987
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Contact the studio for details.
How did you get started teaching?
I taught for a few years during and immediately after college. For many years, however, I was able to devote all of my time to my family, which includes five wonderful children. When the youngest entered junior high school, I began teaching piano again, gradually building up the number of students, joining local music teacher associations, and moving into a designated studio built next to our home.
What types of students have you worked with?
All types and varied ages!
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Each year our local high school band participates in the UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest. Since 2011, I have accompanied students on the piano part to their instrument’s solo. The students work very hard, and I really like being there for them and providing them with the experience of working with a professional painist. It’s a great opportunity for me to keep my peforming skills sharp as well.