Fight Academy Pasadena

Fight Academy Pasadena



We are a family gym that has been catering to the Pasadena Community for 8 years.... We currently train many professional as well as casual athletes alike. I am a former MMA combatant with experience on a international level. Please take time and review FIGHT ACADEMY PASADENA on Yelp, Google, ect.....

We carry a philosophy of "Each One Teach One". I enjoy watching others grow and experiencing what a solid Martial Arts program has to offer. I'm my 8 years coaching I also have had a great time teaching children and building their confidence at such a crucial age.


Serves Pasadena , CA

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Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

Meet with client to assess what goals are then provide guidence and a plan to make progress... once establishing that info we begin to see if there are any physical limitations to be considered. If everything is looking forward we then will start setting up a schedule to get going.

15 years of professional MMA exp with leading organizations such as the UFC, BELLATOR, WEC, SHOOTO ect.  

We have our typical unlimited gym rate of $175 monthly for our group classes. And our private sessions rage from $75-100 an hour. 

Natural progression following a great MMA career. 

Amateur, Professional fighters as well as casual day to day practitioners as well. 

Be sure to do your research on the actual experience of a said coach.... 

Services offered

Mixed Martial Arts