UGA Community Music School

UGA Community Music School



The UGA Community Music School is an outreach program of the Hugh Hodgson School of Music, designed to bring musical instruction to community members of all ages in and around the Athens area. Community Music School students have access to the state-of-the-art Music and Performing Arts Buildings at the University of Georgia. Students also have access to professional quality performance spaces including Ramsey Hall and Edge Hall, where solo recitals and ensemble concerts are performed throughout the year. CMS faculty are primarily graduate students in the School of Music, although some faculty members are professionals from the surrounding community.

The arts are an indispensable need not only for the education of children but also for the enrichment and quality of life of adults. The Community Music School aims to serve everyone in the community including school children, college students, adults, and retirees. We strive to create classes and programs to involve students of all ages in an affordable, relaxed environment. It is not our goal to create musical prodigies but to meet you wherever you may be in your musical career and lead you to wherever your musical goals may take you. You do not need to have any prior musical experience or knowledge to participate in the Community Music School. We hope you choose to join us in making some music very soon!


80 employees
55 years in business
Serves Athens , GA

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Frequently asked questions

Students register for lessons online through our website: Students are then assigned a teacher, who will work out the day and time of the lessons directly with the student. All lessons are held in the UGA School of Msuic building.  Some flexibility can be granted for students who do not want lessons every week.  This can be arranged with the CMS administrative staff.

All of our teachers have or are pursuing advanced degrees in music performance or education.

30 minute lessons = $30 each

45 minute lessons = $45 each

1 hour lessons = $60 each

Payments are made semesterly, quarterly (twice per semester), or monthly (3 payments per semester). 

Services offered

Music Theory