Keith Spencer - Professional Singer And Voice Teacher
I've had the pleasure of singing since I was 6 years old, and teaching voice lessons since 1987. I struggled vocally as a young singer, and eventually "lost" the ability to sing my top notes...because I was singing from my throat, and not using my BODY to support my voice! It took me years to figure out how to support my high notes correctly. Once I learned how to use my BODY to sing, no more struggling with the top notes!!
Now, I use my years of experience as a voice teacher and professional OPERA singer, MUSICAL THEATRE singer, and SACRED MUSIC singer to teach YOU how to sing properly. I have sung in English, Italian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Latin and Hebrew.
I help each student discover their own INDIVIDUAL voice, encouraging each student to use THEIR UNIQUE VOICE in a healthy way. I am well-versed in the opera, musical theater and sacred vocal repertoires...and I have even helped a few jazz and country singers along the way! :-)
No matter what vocal style you prefer to sing, a SOLID TECHNIQUE is absolutely KEY to a long and productive career!! I look forward to working with you. PLEASE NOTE: I charge $65 for a one hour, $50 for 45 minutes, and $35 for 30 minutes. Voice lessons currently are ONLINE ONLY. I can basically teach ANY DAY AND TIME of the week, including on weekends, depending on availability.
I have taught students ranging in age from 9 to 87. Students under the age of 14 - I teach 30 minutes only, as the voice has not "settled" yet.
Each student requires an individual approach. I am not a "one size fits all" teacher. My approach is structured to each student's UNIQUE needs. I get a thrill seeing and hearing my students improve! Once you master a solid technique, you will have absolutely NO FEAR singing in public!! Then, the JOY of making music takes over. It's truly amazing to see the reactions of friends and family when they hear YOU sing with your new, improved voice!
Matthew S.
Maria W.
Leal C.
Isabel C.
Debbie C.
Thomas F.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I am very proud to say that I am a Metropolitan Opera Regional finalist!
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
EDUCATION Curtis Institute of Music Philadelphia, PA M.M. 1991
Manhattan School of Music New York, NY M.M. 1989
University of Miami Coral Gables, FL B.M. 1987
American Institute of Musical Studies Graz, Austria 1986
Goethe Institute Vienna, Austria 1986
TEACHING Berkshire Music School, Pittsfield, MA - August ’15 – to the present
EXPERIENCE Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield, MA - August ’15 – to the present
Private voice studio – New York City - 1987 to the present
Rutgers University – Mason Gross School of the Arts Extension Division - 2013-2014
Singing for Actors - Shakespeare & Company, Lenox, MA, June 2011
Belvoir Terrace – Week of classes - Williams Syndrome students, June 2000
Masterclass - Belvoir Terrace - Lenox, MA, June 1999
Masterclass - Howard Paine University, Brownwood, TX, March 1999
Masterclass - Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, May 1998
Masterclass - University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, April 1991
AWARDS and Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions - Regional Finalist
HONORS Bel Canto Singers of York Competition – 1stPlace
Greater Miami Young Patronesses of the Opera Award
Five Towns Music and Art Foundation Award
Music Guild of Boca Raton Award
Theodore Newman Voice Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach Scholarship
National Dean’s List
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
I charge $60 an hour for a voice lesson, which includes my fee as an accompanist, and the cost ot rent a rehearsal studion in New York City.
How did you get started teaching?
I was approached by audience members after a performance of the opera "Don Pasquale"; these kind people stated they really loved my singing, and asked me if I taught voice lessons...that's how I began teaching...the rest is history.
What types of students have you worked with?
From beginners to seasoned professionals.