Natalia Osipova Guitar Piano Lessons
My teaching approach: I have 11 years of musical education and several years of composition calsses at UNT, more than 25 years of experience in teaching the guitar and 7 years in teaching piano. My students will play in couple weeks easy song( on 3 strings) one hand on the piano; and play chords and few songs in couple months.The teacher's studio or the student's home Guitar Lessons with me take place in the following areas:Irving,FloweMound, Coppell, Lewsiville, Carrolton, Frisco, West Plano Guitar Techniques: Chords strumming, playing popular songs, famous classicsl pieces, Music Theory, Reading Music, Performance, Slide Guitar, Fingerstyle, Open tuning, Rhythm guitar, Lead guitar Your first guitar lesson with me might include the following: I evaluate them to ensure that I can teach them and they want to be taught by me. A guitar lesson with me might entail the following: I tailor each lesson to the needs of the student, to make them as personal as possible The qualities I look for in an ideal guitar student might include the following: Willing to work hard. Price starts from 25 dollars for 30 minutes lesson plus 5 minutes introduction and turning.
I love to teach children and enjoying to watching the progress in playing the guitar And piano. I HAVE THE GUITARS FOR STUDEND 8/12 Y.O. FOR FREEE WITH 4 LESSON PAYMENT.