Hot Feet Fitness

Hot Feet Fitness



Hot Feet Fitness Welcomes All Feet!

The culture at a Hot Feet studio is very warm and welcoming. At Hot Feet Fitness, the overwhelming feel is comfort. The founders of Hot Feet tried many other forms of exercise with the goal and desire of getting and staying fit. Through each of them, they learned that the key to success in a fitness arena is having a friendly environment that encourages real relationships.

Specific to the feel within each of the classes, HFF instructors provide options for all body types and ability levels. Unlike studios where you feel like you have to "know" all the rules before entering, Hot Feet is really friendly and comfortable. No one at Hot Feet is ever going to hear that their feet are pointed the wrong direction or that you are negatively affecting the zen or any other rude or silly comments.

Hot Feet certifications require training in areas beyond just the physical exercise. Someone trained and certified by HFF will also learn about proper diet, fresh air and the art of inspiring people.

Being open and inspiring still is not enough however. Hot Feet realizes that people of all shapes, colors, cultures and sizes need to know there is a place for them. HFF does a great job of including everyone by offering a variety of classes to target each of the various types of members and by training staff to be universally inspiring to all members.


Serves Seattle , WA

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