Waldron Guitar Academy
WALDRON GUITAR ACADEMY (WGA) is an outgrowth of the private teaching studio of Brian Waldron, Los Angeles’ top-rated guitar instructor. We are a collective of professional guitarists dedicated to providing the finest educational experience imaginable.
—Our Singular Obsession—
Unlike other music schools, at Waldron Guitar Academy we exclusively teach guitar. Rather than recruit other instrumentalists just to fill out our student roster, we’ve devoted 100% of our resources to providing the finest guitar learning experience imaginable.
—Our Commitment to Your Progress—
Improvement on any instrument requires efficient, goal-oriented practice. While that might make sense in concept, as a guitar student it can be hard to know exactly what ‘effective’ practice looks and feels like. Our job is to take out the guesswork.
After each lesson, you’ll receive a detailed email from your instructor with bite-sized goals you can reasonably expect to achieve before your next meeting, along with tips on how to focus your efforts for maximum results
—Our Expert Instructors—
Our gifted, friendly instructors are hand picked from across the country. In order to be considered, each instructor must exhibit:
*Mastery of their instrument
*Expertise in a particular genre (classical, fingerstyle, jazz, blues, country, metal).
*Extensive teaching experience (10 years minimum)
*A passion for working with students of all abilities, including total beginners.
-Our 'It Takes A Village' Approach-
When you enroll at Waldron Guitar Academy you'll have access to decades of wisdom from some of the nations finest guitar instructors. While you'll always have a primary instructor you see each week, it's not uncommon for students to take one-off lessons from other teachers who may specialize in an area their primary teacher does not.
Contact us now for your free consultation and we'll match you with a teacher who's right for you.
Talk to you soon!
-Brian Waldron | Head Instructor