



I have been bodybuilding for more than 10 years. I work with each person individually and make a program to help them teach their fitness goals. My passions are boxing and Muay Thai. I use different methods to make fitness fun but effective. Contact me for further information.

The progression people make and the confidence my clients feel about themselves.


1 employee
7 years in business
Serves New York , NY

Payment methods

Cash, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle


Number of people

Individual training, Couples training

Event to prep for

No specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Current exercise

Customer exercises 0 times per week, Customer exercises 1 – 2 times a week, Customer exercises 3 – 4 times a week, Customer exercises 5-7 times a week

Gender preference

Clients who have no gender preference, Clients who want female trainer only, Clients who want male trainer only

Medical concerns or injuries

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Other injuries or medical conditions


Younger than 18, 18 – 22 years old, 23 – 30 years old, 31 – 40 years old, 41 – 50 years old, 51 – 60 years old

How often

Customers who want to meet once a week, Customers who want to meet 2 – 3 times a week

Fitness goals

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost stamina and endurance

No reviews (yet)

Ask this teacher for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

A quick Q and A to see what their fitness goal is and then have a session that will incorporate exercises to move towards their goal. Then talk afterwards about the session to see how they felt and get feedback for future sessions to come. 

I worked as a personal trainer in Equinox and made my clients outside from 2018 to present time. I have been body building for more than 10 years and have had many trainers educate me on how to effectivity train a client and help them reach their fitness goals. I also have over 10 years of muay thai and boxing experience. I had muay thai gym fights to help build my martial arts skills and learn what needs improvement that I could share with my clients.

For personal training it would depend on what specific training from Muay Thai, boxing, Bodybuilding , etc. For semi-private rates it varies depending on what training it is. 

By teaching my friend how to work out, and when they had an "A-ha" moment, it made me feel satisfied. So I got my personal training certification and started to train parole in Equinox which also furthered my eduction in fitness. Ever since then I try to help my clients, not only feel good about themselves but get stronger in the process to help their confidence and reach their goals. 

From beginners to intermediate. For beginners its more building a foundation of what they are trying to achieve. As in intermediate, it's either maintenance or to push past the plateau they've reached.
Helping one of my clients get ready for a fight and going in the ring and doing everything she learned to help her win the fight. I was so happy for her that she was able to push past the scared feeling of getting in the ring.
Ask questions, you are paying us for a service to help you out. It is on to ask questions and see who the right trainer is for what you're looking for.
If their goals are realistic enough to achieve. For example if someone never worked out and wants to be fight ready or lift 300 lbs in less than a month. It is less likely to be a achieved and will basically discourage themselves from tyring to reach their goals. So questing like asking the trainer what small goals to achieve in the process of achieving something greater

Services offered

Mixed Martial Arts