Black Dragon Martial Arts

Black Dragon Martial Arts

5.0(2 reviews)


Black Dragon Martial Arts is an affordable Traditional Mixed Martial Arts with the goal of helping students progress, not just take their money every month. BDMA incorporates skills from styles such as Ninjutsu, Tae Kwon Do, and Jiu-Jitsu. BDMA provides real-world self-defense skills in hand-to-hand combat as well as training with weapons.

My favorite part of teaching martial arts is helping students achieve their goals, and assisting them to do something they previously thought they couldn't. Students not only learn self-defense, but also respect, discipline, and confidence in themselves.

I have been training in martial arts for 17 years, and instructing for the last 7.

Please find us on facebook by searching:

Black Dragon Martial Arts - Omaha



Hired 1 time
3 employees
25 years in business
Serves Bellevue , NE


Student's age

5 – 10 years old, 11 – 13 years old, 14 – 18 years old, 19 – 25 years old, 26 – 45 years old, 46 – 65 years old, Over 65 years old

Disciplines interested in

Mixed Martial Arts, Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing or Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Krav Maga, Judo

Experience level

No experience, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


For self defense, Building strength and confidence, Developing discipline, Improving physical health

Class type

Private training, Group classes

Number of students

1 person, 2 people, 3 - 4 people, 5 or more people


0 reviews


brian E.

how Curtis interacts with his students, by not just showing them but explaining the different moves and the reasons behind them
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November 04, 2018
Hired on Lessons



The student to Instructor ratio was great. The Instructors were knowledgeable and caring. The Instructors make it a fun but disciplined class. Very nice environment.
... Show more
July 13, 2018

Frequently asked questions

New students receive one-on-one training to go over the basic skills for their first week. New students are then paired with other students to train with. All students, but more especially new students, are always watched to ensure safety and students learn proper form for each skill.

I have trained in Black Dragon Martial Arts for 17 years, and have instructed for 7. I am a 3rd degree black belt in Nin Bu Kai (which is the style taught at Black Dragon) which incorporates skills from several styles.

Students pay a flat monthly rate which allows them to attend all classes and special events put on by Black Dragon Martial Arts. Discounts are available for students, teachers, Military, and first responders. BDMA also offers group rates for students who train with a friend or family member, both (or all) will receive a discount. 

The standard rate for a month of training at BDMA is $40, and we do not require a contract (we do require a waiver). Students are able to stop training, and paying, at any point with one months notice. 

Special pricing may be considered in certain circumstances for those unable to afford the normal monthly rate, which is at the discretion of the instructor.

My instructors encouraged me to start teaching. I assisted in teaching a class for about 2 years, then opened my own school, which I have ran for the last 5 years. 

I have worked with all kinds of students. We offer classes for ages 8 and up. I have worked with kids, young adults, middle aged students, as well as seniors, all with different goals, some with learning disabilties. 

All students train for different reasons. Some bring their child for respect, discipline, and exercise. Some students want to learn to defend themselves. Some want to get into shape. Others want a mixture of several.

Black Dragon Martial Arts is a self-defense art that teaches effective, real-world, hand-to-hand combat which is stressed and brought up several times. We do not train bullies, especially for younger students. BDMA reserves the right to refuse training to anyone who uses what they are taught to bully or intentionally hurt others.

Find the reason you want to train, and find a style that works for you. BDMA is not a fit for everyone, however we are unique to most styles in that our style molds to the individual where most styles require students to mold to the style. 

The first step should be to ask yourself why you want to train in   a martial arts class. Even if you do not pick to join BDMA, I may be able to help recommend another style that would be a good fit.

Services offered

Mixed Martial Arts