Hello my name is Taqqee Khabir. I'm the owner and lead instructor for CQC Academy. I am a life long martial artist, and mobility enthusiasts. I've been teaching movement and martial arts for over a decade. I offer reality based self-defense, martial arts, yoga, and personal fitness classes in a fun cooperative environment. I believe that everyone has the right to live their best life. That is why offer high quality group classes and tailored individual instruction. All of are programs are centered around teaching good body mechanics and fluid movement.
I love helping empower people through movement and martial arts. I believe develping a strong, flexible mind and body allows individuals the freedom and confidence live their most authentic lives.
Yoga/Personal Fitness
Our yoga and personal fitness programs are about creating strength, balance, and flexibility both physically and mentally. Clients lose weight, decrease pain, and anxiety, while increasing lean muscle mass, functional strength, and a positive relationship with their body.
Martial Arts/Self Defense
I believe that Self-Defense is a fundamental right of everyone. I believe everyone is entitled to live a life without fear of becoming a victim of violence. It is so rewarding to hear people tell me they started lessons with me to learn Self-Defense, but gained: self confidence, dignity, self compassion, better health, better relationships, better mobility, a better relationship with their body, Self-Defense skill and much more.
Yoga type
Goals and interests
Experience level
Number of students
Student age(s)
Photos and videos

Amy S.
Madison G.
Mohammad E.
Paul K.
claire W.
Shin C.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
For Group Class:
New students are paired with myself or another senior student. We go over basic blocks, and footwork. Once a basic foundation is established I teach the principles that the system is founded on. The E.A.T.T. (evade, attack, take balance, takedown) principle is the core formula for our Self-Defense system. Self-preservation is the primary goal. Techniques are interchangeable but the principles are what make the system so effective. Then I begin to build the core skill set of the cqc system.
For Private Students:
I do a movement assessment to find out what their level of physical ability is as well as any prior skill sets they may have. I also have a detailed and candid conversation with them about their goals and expectations. It is important to know what motivates them to seek lessons and what they want to learn. Then I tailor fit a training program to them based on their skill and fitness level to optimize the time it takes them to develop proficiency in a core skill set. One they become accustomed to the core movement patterns and have become profient in basic skills I allow them to pressure test those skills to build confidence; before expanding the scope of their training.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have been studying martial arts for over 15 years. I have a background in Judo, BJJ, Hapkido, Kali, and Silat. I am profient with a variety of traditional martial arts weapons as well as improvised weapons; such as sticks, knives, bats, guns, ropes/cords, bottles scarves, and hat's. I participate yearly in several full contact fighting events in which weapons are allowed. I do this to test what technique work best to defend against a variety of different types of weapons and attackers.
How did you get started teaching?
I got started teaching martial arts after several female friends asked me about Self-Defense techniques following a violent encounter. After I shared my knowledge with them both urged me to start teaching other people and offer my services to the greater community. Martial arts has always been a passion of mine so the transition into teaching came easily for me. However I wasn' prepared for the gratitude my students have shown me over the years. Heart warming stories about triumph, self discovery, letters and heart to heart conversations. I truly feel blessed to be able to make such a profound and positive affect on so many people's lives.
What types of students have you worked with?
I work with men and women of all ages and physical abilities. Because I have such an extensive background in many different martial arts. I can adapt my teaching style to accommodate anybody type. I have even taught individuals with disabilities.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I recently had a student tell me that they were able to find the confidence to stand up for theirself to a overbearing/bullying family member. That makes me so happy. Learning Self-Defense teaches you physical skills but it also empowers you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
I would tell them to find an instuctor that doesnt only offer physical training. To find an instructor that understands the psychological/emotional aspects of Self-Defense and violence. Find an instructor that is trauma conscious that has a background in many different martial arts. No one style has the answer to potential types of attackers. I would also advise women to find an instructor that understands that women experiece violence in our society differently then men do.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
I encourage students to have a clear cut goal and reason to start training. Learning a martial art is different than learning Self-Defense. MMA, Boxing and BJJ are amazing sports and martial arts. However they have rules and regulations to protect participnts. Those rules don't apply on the street. Criminals use weapons, ambush, double teaming, and all sorts of tactics to get an adantage. You must know whether you want to learn an art or learn what it takes to go home safe if you are attacked.