Cow Pose

Sarah Noel
Written by
Sarah Noel

Cow Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Cow Pose is a simple warm-up stretch to relieve tension in a hunched back.

Cow yoga pose
Cow yoga pose
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(Pronounced as "bee-tee-LAHS-anna")

Named after the standard posture of a cow grazing in the fields, this pose normally comes right before Cat Pose.

How to do Cow Pose

Step One:

Assume the standard "tabletop" position with your back forming the top of the table. Place your hands on the yoga mat right below your shoulders, spreading your fingers apart.

Your knees should be perpendicular to the floor, resting right below your hips. Let the tops of your feet rest against the mat. Look down at the floor.

Step Two:

Breathe in. Pull your breath up to fill your entire chest, letting your back arch fully. Release your stomach completely so that your belly button sinks down as low as possible. Both your tailbone and your chest should lift up toward the ceiling simultaneously. Lift your head and look up.

Step Three:

Breathe out and return to your neutral tabletop posture. You can repeat this pose 10 times or more as you like.

Step Four:

For best results, pair this pose with Cat Pose as you exhale to create a gentle flow.

Beginner's Tip:

Cow Pose Information

Sanskrit Name:


Pose Level:

Level 1

Contraindications and Cautions:

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  • If you had a recent neck injury, then keep your head in line with your torso instead of arching your head up.

  • Do this pose under the supervision of an experienced teacher if you've had a lower-back injury.

Cow Pose Benefits

  • Gives a deep stretch to the front torso, upper back and neck

  • Gently massages the abdominal organs