World Martial Arts Center-Happykicks.com
The purpose of my training and teachings are for the total empowerment of your mind, body, spirit and soul. It is rooted in over 2,000 years of forged and tested skills and knowledge perfected by the hundreds of Masters that have contributed to our unique and extraordinary system of taking ordinary people and transforming them into extraordinary individuals possessing amazing talents.
Our teaching methods are simple, systematic, and scientific, which makes it fast and easy to learn.
Many Masters of other schools say we performing miracles with many of our students.
Masters and Grandmasters are coming from Korea, Japan and China every year to our school to study what happens here and how we produce such great results.
Anyone can learn here if they have the courage to face the things that may have gotten in their way most of their life, maybe some bad habits and fear. If you have the heart to grow and shine, you will here. That is the real spirit of the true martial artist regardless of system or style.
It is reality-based training for self-defense, peaceful mind and a long healthy life. It is TMA (True Martial Arts), not martial sports like MMA. Most martial sports only teach 5% of the skills of true martial arts; we cover 100% which includes: reality-based gun defense, knife defense, bat defense, choke defense, defense from seated positions, floor defense, ground defense, defense while being blindfolded or handcuffed, and also defense from multiple attackers. Our self-defense training also includes how to use many weapons if you find yourself needing this skill.
We have a natural approach to flexibility and combat kicking; we are the only school in America that have members kicking well into their 70's. All of our members end up getting into great shape and most look 20 years younger than their chronological age. Meditation, life philosophy and healthy living are definite contributing factors to that.
We also teach how to fall safely--something that very few schools teach even though it is the most basic form of self-defense and self-preservation.
Our training is available seven days a week. We have sessions as early as 7:00 am until 9:00 pm. That's more classes than any other martial arts school in the world.
45-year history of teaching students between 3 to 83 years of age.
Teaching students who are handicapped, from blindness to being wheelchair-bound.
Greatest team of Instructors in America.
Producing top-grade Instructors such as:
Senior Instructor Jennifer Cassetta of Stilletos and Self-Defense at jennifercassetta.com
Senior instructor Carol Glasgow of Kickfeverfitness.com
Senior Instructor Kristin Walsh of gobeyond.com
Produced 5 new Masters in the last three years, three out of the five are women.
Seven-Time Top Ten Martial Arts School Award.
Teaching is an act of love. Empowering a living soul, be they 2 years old or 92, is the highest form of teaching. There is an unspoken beauty that is revealed when you witness Arabs and Jews, Japanese and Koreans, people with ties to the KKK and African Americans all training with a common goal of helping each other to improve themselves and their life. Hapkido is about unity and harmony, the many becoming one.
Love, respect and gratitude are the core of our martial arts philosophy.
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