J2 Peak Performance (J2P2)

J2 Peak Performance (J2P2)

Offers online services
Offers online services


I’ve worked in the fitness industry 7 plus years with a passion for helping athletes as well as adults looking to make changes to their fitness lifestyle. I am an ISSA certified personal trainer and Nutrition coach and currently finishing my Strength and Conditioning certification. Whatever your sport, I specialize in agility, plyometrics, explosive training, and endurance and will even tailor your workouts to your specific sport. For adults I offer a workout and nutrition plan to help your reach your body goals. You can follow me on Instagram @jjnumber20 and or @jjinthegym to see my work and amazing results! You can email me personally @ [email protected].


1 employee
7 years in business
Serves Little Rock , AR
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Venmo, Apple Pay, Stripe, Zelle

Social media


Number of people

Individual training, Couples training

Event to prep for

No specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Current exercise

Customer exercises 0 times per week, Customer exercises 1 – 2 times a week, Customer exercises 3 – 4 times a week, Customer exercises 5-7 times a week

Gender preference

Clients who have no gender preference, Clients who want female trainer only, Clients who want male trainer only

Medical concerns or injuries

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy, Other injuries or medical conditions


Younger than 18, 18 – 22 years old, 23 – 30 years old, 31 – 40 years old, 41 – 50 years old, 51 – 60 years old, 61 or older

How often

Customers who want to meet once a week, Customers who want to meet 2 – 3 times a week, Customers who want to meet 4 – 7 times a week

Fitness goals

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost stamina and endurance

Photos and videos

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