Cortez Fitness & Sports Performance
My name is Nate Cortez I started Cortez Performance and Fitness in 2021 I’ve been into fitness since I was 12 and martial arts since I was 18. I’ve competed in multiple disciplines and have an extensive amount of knowledge on performance and the human body. My goal is to ensure clients reach their goals and are seeing results and holding them accountable every step of the way. I also offer nutritional guidance and program design that best fits your lifestyle. I coach Kickboxing, boxing from beginner to intermediate and advanced. Full 1-1 movement protocol's to help me better gauge where there's hyper mobility dysfunctions, where we need to build strength, mobility, work through basic foundational patterns and design a program that’s going to get you optimal results.
Number of people
Event to prep for
Current exercise
Gender preference
Medical concerns or injuries
How often
Fitness goals
Photos and videos