Hi, I'm Terry, CPT for over 12 years, former NPC bodybuilder and Golden Gloves amateur boxer. I have a long history of helping people reach their fitness goals since 2010 and even earlier. From boxing/kickboxing, to weight loss, to rehab to bodybuilding &sports training. I cover most avenues in fitness,& love helping people make their lives better, healthier,stronger with even more confidence. I have a training studio located in Amsterdam N. Y.. I also have tons of portable equipment for home/office/outdoor workouts and I can come to your gym as Your guest. My pricing accommodates the training pkg/service and travel distance. Texting works best,as well as calls & emails(5185289440). Be sure to check out my social media to see the different types of training regiments. The timeline spans years. Im looking forward to answering all your questions and getting you set up for YOUR next level!
I'm on Instagram as @mflowpersonaltraining. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1rciuq5yddxzk&utm_content=lakk2u
In this lifelong/lifetime field, I enjoy showing and teaching, watching people apply what they learned and seeing it positively effect their lives. I love that. I feel like im giving back and adding on to humanity. It's cleansing and fulfilling for me to train.
Number of people
Event to prep for
Current exercise
Gender preference
Medical concerns or injuries
How often
Fitness goals
Photos and videos

Anthony p.
Pat P.
Joey B.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
After a formal introduction, during which we would tour the training facility and gym, or meet at an area designated by you. Then we'll talk about goals,expectations,scheduIing,preferred location, etc. I would have you complete an exercise par Q form, along with a liability release waiver for the gym/trainer(me). We would then go over warming up and stretches as we prepare for an introductory workout/evaluation/class.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
As lifetime athlete/coach and personal trainer, Im certified through ACE and Expert Rating, was an NPC bodybuilder for over 7 years and competed as an amateur boxer for 5 years. I've also been Personal Training,Coaching and helping people become their own best version of themselves for well over a decade and a half.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Pricing goes as follows for 1hour private training sessions: 4=$150, 4=$300, 12=$450, 36=$1260, 72=$2160 144=$3600 +a $29 monthly cover charge.