Hello, my name is Rance Hayes. I have 31 years of professional training experience. I’m currently offering a Concierge Service Program for serious, in person clients throughout the Bay Area.
The Concierge Service Program is ideally suited for high-achieving clients who are looking for long term, sustainable wellness! If you’re growth minded and you’re looking for new and more effective ways to expand into the next phase of your life, this concierge service program will provide you with the professional support and guidance that you need to evolve into the person you’ve been visualizing.
This comprehensive program features three private, in person sessions, assisted flexibility, FIT mindset coaching, weekly video workouts for the days we don’t meet, unlimited “quick fix” coaching/accountability texts, one weekly coaching/accountability call, an individualized meal plan, and proper flexibility/ rehab protocol (videos) to minimize the risk of injury and enhance performance. The more I see you and exchange energy with you, the better your results will be. This is as personal as personal training gets!
Photos and videos

Linda R.
Linda R.
Denise M.
Jill R.
Alicia E.
Alicia E.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Every client comes to me with a different physical and psychological makeup, so my approach varies from person to person. I assess each client by gathering their health and medical history, discussing their goals and by taking them through a low impact movement screen. The assessment gives me the information that I need to begin creating a comprehensive program, that is conducive to each client's unique needs.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I've been a personal trainer for 27 years. In college, I minored in Kinesiology. I thought that I wanted to be an attorney, so I majored in criminal justice. I've carried multiple certs throughout my training career, NASM, Assisted Flexibility, IFPA, APEX, DotFit.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Rates are comparable to the average for trainers with my experience in the Bay Area.
$75 to $150 an hour depending on the clients' commitment level. Money is the highest form of commitment. My observation has been that when clients invest in their well-being, they work harder to get the results that they deserve.
How did you get started teaching?
I've always been an athlete. I played football, baseball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and badminton. I loved being active, but my real inspiration for training was watching my mom slip into a deep depression and witnessing the steps that she took to reclaim her life. I understood overcoming physical obstacles and breaking through my thresholds, but I couldn't even begin to grasp the extensive (psychological and physical) impact of depression. What I learned through my own obstacles and by observing my mother, is that there is a direct correlation between fitness and everything that we do in life! She was my primary inspiration.
What types of students have you worked with?
In 24 years I've worked with a wide array of clients...
- overweight, obese, morbidly obese
- anorexic, osteopenia, osteoporosis
- athletes, all sports
- diabetic, types 1 & 2, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
- pre/ postnatal
- post lumbar, thoracic, cervical surgery
- replaced hips, knees
- frozen shoulder, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
- the general population, postural conditioning
- senior care, kids, all ages
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I recently participated in a wellness presentation, where I spoke about the value of self-care and wellness. I talked about the importance of making your physical well being your number one priority. A lot of us operate as if there's a disconnect between our minds, bodies, and spirits, but we resonate on the highest frequency when we are synchronized. If our goal is to be as happy and successful as possible, then our primary focus should be our physical well being. Our physical well being promotes better circulation, which leads to the optimal function of our internal organs. When we move, we release serotonin in our brains and we stimulate the neurons in our brains. Our elevated physical state gives us greater access to psychological well BEing. We are generally happier and more productive when we are physically healthy. All of the aforementioned allows us to vibrate on a higher spiritual frequency. Synchronicity
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
1. Call the practitioner directly. Get a feel for them over the phone first.
2. Set up the assessment and show up! The assessment is the most effective way to determine whether or not a practitioner is the right trainer for you. I talk to clients all the time who say "I've trained for x amount of years and no one has ever shown me that. Or no one has ever explained that the way that you do." We are ALL different. The assessment is the only way to effectively distinguish trainers. Set it up ASAP!
3. If you're investing in a real program, it shouldn't be cheap. Being sick and dying isn't cheap. Achieving optimal wellness and living your life to your potential should be a worthy investment. With that said, ask for references. I have clients who love sharing their stories with prospective clients, neighbors, co-workers, friends, countrymen...litterally anyone and everyone who will listen. Ask for references.
4. Certifications and degrees
Education is important in any field, particularly if you're working with human bodies. We are always learning more about how to safely, effectively manipulate the body. Ongoing education is a huge part of the game. With that said, education is only as valuable as it is applied, especially in fitness! Some of the best trainers I know hold one cert and have no degrees. What makes them great is their love for people and their passion for life transformations. The love and the passion compel them to get better every single day. Complacency's not an option when you're on a mission to help people.
I know, just reading that word makes some people pull away from the desk, but you have to remember, you've already "thought about it." You know, we know, everyone knows that you've been thinking about it. So stop thinking it, talking about it, pontificating and just do it already. Kenneth Blanchard said, "There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.” When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, when you except nothing but results, then you will achieve the results that you want and frankly deserve.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
The primary questions you should ask yourself before reaching out to a practitioner are...
- How do you value your well being? What would it mean for you to be pain-free? What would it mean for you to be able to touch your toes? How valuable would it be if we could improve your overall quality of life?
- Do you understand the importance of committing to yourself?
Think long view of your wellness. How do you want to live when you're in the latter stages of life?
- How committed are you (psychologically & financially)
In this culture, money talks. If you're not willing to invest in your wellness, but you spend money out (wining & dining) or invest in material things, are you really committed?
- Do you want to change or do you need to change?
Passive vs. Aggressive. People that have vain desires, usually say they "want change." They want a flat stomach. They want a bigger butt. They want sexy arms and legs. People that say they "need change", are usually confronting something deeper and more impactful. They need to lower their high blood pressure. They need to reduce their cholesterol. They need to lose 100 lbs. Ask yourself if your desire to get fit is based on a want or a need. If your goals are inspired by a want, figure out what your need is. You'll go further with an "I need to do this mentality."
The reality is that you do "need to." We all do. It's only a matter of time before every single one of us is confronted with our wellness or lack thereof. Handle your health / well being or it will handle you.