Live Your Way Thin

Live Your Way Thin

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People hire me to teach them how to lose weight for life, stress free. Have you ever wondered, why, in spite all the diet plans, weight loss books and fitness professionals, the obesity rate continues to increase? The answer is simple. The process of losing weight for life is very different than the process of merely losing weight. Unfortunately, the way most weight loss and diet programs approach losing weight, is not sustainable which is why 95% of people who lose weight, end up regaining their weight back over and over again. The fact is, achieving and maintaining a lean and healthy body is a lot easier than you ever dreamed possible. I’ve spent my life learning the right and wrong ways to lose weight, keep it off and improve your health in the process, and after 27 years of research I have finally perfected my approach that helps people not just lose the weight they want but keep it off with ease. How did I come up with the solution of how to lose weight, so it stays off for life, when so many others have failed? You see, most fitness professionals today get their education on fitness, health, and nutrition from a college, university, and professional certification courses. There’s nothing wrong with formal education, but the problem with too much prescribed education is that it can limit your ability to think with an open mind and outside the box. Unlike most fitness professionals who just studied health and fitness, I didn't only research health and weight loss; I lived it firsthand. I was raised on a Greek island, where I was submerged in a very healthy culture. When I lived there thin was the norm; people in the 90s lived productive lives free from most of the diseases that older adults suffer and die from in the western world today. When I lived in Greece, I thought cancer was a rare disease, and diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's were nonexistent. My upbringing caused me to question many of the things I had learned in school about proper nutrition and health because they contradicted how I lived and ate in Greece, which kept my mind open to other possibilities. What I quickly realized is just because something is taught in a University or a college, or because the person who said it has a Ph.D., does not mean it's right. We need to question everything we learn, and we need to make sure what we learned is logical. The question that drove me was how people living in healthy regions around the world, including my hometown in Greece, can maintain their weight and good health effortlessly; yet people in America have such a hard time keeping the weight off after they lose it? Answering that question was the key, which led me to the sustainable weight loss solution, which I teach today. I love what I do for a living. I genuinely feel this was my calling in life, to help people lose weight in a way that enables them to keep it off, without having to sacrifice all their free time working out, counting calories and points, and giving up their favorite foods. Life is about having a life worth living, not dieting or exercising. Many fitness professionals have forgotten that, or because they love exercising and don't mind continually watching their diet, they assume that once people discover the benefits of exercising and dieting, they will joyfully make their lives all about fitness. They are wrong. Most people don't want to spend their free time exercising or planning their diet, including me. Yes, I do want to take care of my health, but that is so I can better enjoy life. Up till now, people only had two choices either be unhealthy and enjoy life or be healthy and live a less gratifying life. Neither of these two choices are very good. At Live Your Way Thin we give you a third choice, where you can have the lean and healthy body you want and still enjoy your life, including all your favorite foods.

The best part of my job is when people realize that losing weight and getting in shape and more importantly keeping the weight off, is a lot easier than they thought. I have had so many clients tell me that if they knew how simple and easy it was to lose weight and get in shape, they would have started much earlier.

Many people believe that losing weight and getting in shape requires a lot of motivation and time commitment. That is true if you follow a typical diet or weight loss program, however, it does not have to be that way.

With our Live Your Way Thin System, only some initial motivation is needed to get started but none to keep going, and as far as time commitment is concerned, it's a lot less than most people think and in many cases none a all.

Sustainable weight loss and vibrant health is something everyone can achieve to some degree, and I love showing people how.


Hired 1 time
29 years in business
Serves Danbury , CT
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  • Reviews

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    Joe M.

    Live Your Way Thin is Personal Training at its best. I’m always learning something new and useful to improve my health.
    ... Show more
    August 02, 2019


    Joe B.

    Like is not near strong enough! Live Your Way Thin helped change my life. I have lost over 100 pounds and feel Great!!! My doctor says I am no longer pre-diabetic. My snoring and sleep apnea are gone! I have energy thru the roof now. I ran a 5k race last weekend (well I ran most of it anyway). My 280 pound self would have been home eating a big breakfast and watching TV of others experiencing life.
    I LOVE Live Your Way Thin!!!
    ... Show more
    August 01, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

    The first step is to come in for a free "How To Get Fit for Life" Strategy session.  There is absolutely no obligation to join.  

    What we're going to do in this strategy session is three things. The first thing is I'm going to help you crystalize a vision of the shape you want to be in, in 12 months from now. The second thing I'm going to do is explain to you the 6 healthy habits that I consider essential to a lean and healthy body,  we will go over your current lifestyle habits and see which of these 6 habits you are missing and also see which of your current habits we will need to replace. Also we will identify possible challenges that you might have with implanting these 6 habits into your life and together we will figure out solutions to those challenges.   Then the third thing is an action plan.  I'm going to give you an action plan like a blueprint of how you can go about implementing all the necessary chages in your habitual behaviors without burning yourself out.  I believe the best diet and the best exercise program is the one you can live with. 

    From there we can really assess if we can help you or not and if we can, how.

    At the end of the session, you will be able to make an informed decision if our services are right for you.

    If you don't think we are the right fit, we will not try to convince you otherwise, but if you do believe that we are, we will go ahead and schedule your first session.

    Let me tell you a little bit about myself

    My name is Stavros Mastrogiannis and I have been in the weight loss field for over 27 years.  I teach people who are struggling with their weight because they don’t want to give up their favorite foods or spend all their free time in the gym, how to lose weight and greatly improve their health WITHOUT having to give up their favorite foods or spend all their free time in the gym. The fact is, losing weight and improving your health is a lot easier than most fitness professionals make it.

    I know, there are thousands of weight loss experts out there with all different opinions on weight loss and health.  So, what makes my opinion any better than theirs?  I think that is a fair question.

    Early in my fitness career, I realized I was part of a failing industry.  Failing, not because they were not making money, they were making plenty of money.  In 1992 the year I got into the weight loss field, in American alone, we spent $30 billion on weight-loss products and services and our weight as a nation went up that year.  Today we are spending over $65 billion per year on weight-loss products and services and our weight is continuing to go up and our health is continuing to deteriorate.  That is why I call it a failing industry because it does not deliver what it supposed to be delivering, weight loss and better health.  

    I don’t think the industry is failing because fitness professionals don’t care.  Yes, they are plenty of fitness professionals who are only in it for the money, but most fitness professionals they care, and they want to help.  Unfortunately, they have not been able to make any difference because of the way they were taught to approach weight loss and health by their formal education.

    A fact that fitness professionals need to realize is that not everything they learned in school about weight loss and health is correct. 

    So, the big question is, how was I able to come up with a sustainable solution to the weight problem, whereas all my fellow fitness professionals failed?  I did get a lot of the same education as other fitness professionals.

    You see most fitness professional today got their education on fitness, health, and nutrition from a college, university and/or professional certification courses. Nothing wrong with formal education obviously, I got plenty myself.  The problem with too much formal education is that sometimes it puts your thinking in a box. In other words, it limits your ability to think with an open mind and if what you were taught was not 100% accurate, like in the case of fitness and health, you will have a very hard time finding the answer that you are looking for.

    The reason I was able to come up with a sustainable solution to the weight problem is that I was able to think with an open mind.  What gave me the ability to think outside the box was my upbringing.  You see, unlike most other fitness professionals who just study health and fitness, I lived it first hands.  I was raised on a Greek island where I was submerged in a very healthy culture.  When I lived there, thin was the norm, people in the 90s lived productive lives free from most the diseases that most older adults suffer and die from in the western world today.   When I lived in Greece, I thought cancer was a rare disease because never mind I did not know anyone who had it, I didn’t even know of anyone who knew anyone who had cancer.  

    My upbringing caused me to question many of the things I learned in school about proper nutrition and health because they contradicted the way we lived and ate in Greece and that kept my mind open to other possibilities. The one thing I realized early on is that just because something is taught in a University or a college, or because the person who said it had a Ph.D., it does not necessarily make it right.  We need to question everything we learn, and we need to make sure what we learned makes sense to us.   So, I was questioning everything I was learning, and doing a lot of my own research.  What I discovered was that many of the things that colleges and university were teaching their students about proper nutrition and health were completely or partially wrong. It’s an unfortunate fact that special interest groups have a great influence over what our colleges and universities teach their students and if that was not bad enough, they also have great influence over government’s dietary recommendations.  This is not a conspiracy theory; this is a fact with plenty of evidence to support it and don’t take my word for it.  Check out the book “Food Politics” by Marion Nestle.  It explains how special interest groups influence governments and schools and provides plenty of proof.

    So basically, my upbringing caused me to question many of the things I learned in school and gave me the ability to think outside the box, which led me to the sustainable weight loss solution I teach to my clients today.


    Another thing I want people to know about me, which helped me better understand people who want to lose weight and improve their health, but don’t particularly love fitness, is that I am not a fitness nut.  I didn’t get into the fitness industry because I loved fitness and exercising. The reason I got into the fitness industry is because I hated exercising and I loved my junk food but the fitness professionals and all the fitness books I read to try to get in shape, were no help.  I felt that they did not understand people like me who don’t love to exercise and don’t love to count calories or watching everything they eat. 


    Realizing that most people were like me, I saw a real need for a fitness professional who truly understands real people who don’t live to exercise or diet, but they want to exercise and eat right so they can live a long and healthy life.


    Today, although I still don’t love exercising, it’s a habitual behavior that I do without much thought.  I don’t spend any time thinking about my diet either because I have made healthy eating a habitual behavior.  Just so you know, I still eat my junk food.  You don’t need to eat perfectly to lose weight and be healthy, all you have to do is eat healthy most of the time.


    The system I created to help people achieve sustainable and healthy weight loss is called, Simple Way to Vibrant Health and the two ways you can join is to come to my Live Your Way Thin facility in Danbury CT, or through my online coaching system which you can join by going to

    PRIVATE PERSONAL TRAINING in private fully equipped room

    $55 per session if you do 1 session per week

    $50 per session if you do 2 or more sessions per week


    $35 per session per person if you do 1 session per week

    $30 per session per person if you do 2 or more sessions per week 


    Essentials Online Coaching: $97 per Month

    Premium Online Coaching: $247 per Month

    To learn more about our online coaching system go to:  

    A good way to tell if with a particular weight loss or diet program you will be able to keep the weight off after you lose it is to ask yourself this question:  "Can I see myself following their weight loss advice for the rest of my life?  In other words, if a diet program is asking you to count calories, can you see yourself counting calories for the rest of your life?  If not, chances are you will not be able to maintain whatever weight loss you achieve through that program.

    Don't count on results keeping you motivated because the fact is the best results in the world will not keep most people motivated to keep going if the results were achieved through a method that is overwhelming.

    Currently around 95% of the people who lose weight end up regaining the weight back.  That is because the way most weight loss programs on the market today approach weight loss is overwhelming for most people.

    Services offered

    Life Coaching