5.0(1 review)
Offers online services
Offers online services


My fitness training adds a different element that others trainers typically do not incorporate. Many people struggle with either staying motivated or regaining their focus once they encounter many of life's obstacles. I, not only train you for the body you want, I also give you the tools needed to remain consistent towards your goals. I push your mind and your body to a point where you can empower yourself in all aspects of your life. Mental fitness is an integral part of my brand as much as physical fitness.

I enjoy helping others realize their full potential. There's a trainer on every corner of the block and many trainers can help you get into shape. The most gratifying thing to me is helping others expand their mindset so that they can not only conquer their struggles in fitness, but also accomplish other goals beyond. We are meant to live out our goals and dreams. Don't just live your life...MAX IT OUT!


NLP Master Practitioner

Hypnosis Master Practitioner

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor

ACE Certified Weight Management Specialist

ACE Certified Behavioral Change Specialist

TRX Level 1 Qualified Trainer

ISCA KickBox Exercise Round II Instructor

Spartan SGX Coach

Crossfit Level 1 Trained


1 employee
9 years in business
Serves Brooklyn , NY
Offers online services

Social media


Number of people

Individual training, Couples training

Event to prep for

No specific event, Athletic event or competition, Vacation, Wedding

Current exercise

Customer exercises 0 times per week, Customer exercises 1 – 2 times a week, Customer exercises 3 – 4 times a week, Customer exercises 5-7 times a week

Gender preference

Clients who have no gender preference, Clients who want male trainer only

Medical concerns or injuries

Back problems, Joint pain, Asthma, Pregnancy, Other injuries or medical conditions


18 – 22 years old, 23 – 30 years old, 31 – 40 years old, 41 – 50 years old, 51 – 60 years old, 61 or older

How often

Customers who want to meet once a week, Customers who want to meet 2 – 3 times a week, Customers who want to meet 4 – 7 times a week

Fitness goals

Lose weight, Get toned, Build muscle, Gain flexibility, Boost stamina and endurance

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Travis M.

    Literally a life and mind changing experience. Showed me so much about myself, and how much farther I could push myself.
    ... Show more
    December 02, 2020

    Frequently asked questions

    NLP Master Practitioner

    Hypnosis Master Practitioner

    ACE Certified Personal Trainer

    ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor

    ACE Certified Weight Management Specialist

    ACE Certified Behavioral Change Specialist

    TRX Level 1 Qualified Trainer

    ISCA KickBox Exercise Round II Instructor

    Spartan SGX Coach

    Crossfit Level 1 Trainer

    Services offered
